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The cheapest hotels in Murici and the Murici area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Murici online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Murici. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Murici, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Murici hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Murici

Pousada Aiuruoca
Pousada Aiuruoca is located approx. 9 miles (15 km) from Murici downtown area. The Pousada Aiuruoca is located at Rua do Cajueiro, sn in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Atlantico Hotel Maceio
Atlantico Hotel Maceio is located approx. 17 miles (27 km) from Murici downtown area. The Atlantico Hotel Maceio is located at Av Beira Mar Riacho Doce, 291, Praia da Sereia in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 31 - 47 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Villas Supreme Hotel
Villas Supreme Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (27 km) from Murici downtown area. The Villas Supreme Hotel is located at Rodovia AL 101 Norte Km 10 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 50 - 74 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Flor de Lis Exclusive Hotel
Flor de Lis Exclusive Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (27 km) from Murici downtown area. The Flor de Lis Exclusive Hotel is located at Rua Sao Pedro 520 Praia de Garça Torta in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 129 - 193 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Praia a Mare Hotel
Praia a Mare Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (27 km) from Murici downtown area. The Praia a Mare Hotel is located at Rua Eraldo Duarte, Q.J, Lotes 13 E 14, Praia De Guaxuma in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Wave Suites Hotel & Lounge bar
Wave Suites Hotel & Lounge bar is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Wave Suites Hotel & Lounge bar is located at Rua Hilda de Melo Acioli, 160, Praia de Ipioca in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Palmanova
Hotel Palmanova is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Hotel Palmanova is located at Av. Comendador Gustavo Paiva, 6130, Cruz das Almas in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 23 - 35 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Wave Suites Hotel
Wave Suites Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Wave Suites Hotel is located at Rua Hilda de Melo Acioli, 245 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Hotel D'Anatureza
Hotel D'Anatureza is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Hotel D'Anatureza is located at Rod. AL101 Norte Km 25 - 25050 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 68 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Pousada Boneca De Pano
Pousada Boneca De Pano is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Pousada Boneca De Pano is located at Rua Maria Antonieta Teixeira Leite 47, Cruz Das Almas in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Matsubara Acqua Park Hotel
Matsubara Acqua Park Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Matsubara Acqua Park Hotel is located at Avenida Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes 1551 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 49 - 73 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Conde Hotel
Conde Hotel is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Conde Hotel is located at Rua Ouvidor Mendonça, 111 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 34 - 52 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ritz Suites Home Service
Ritz Suites Home Service is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Ritz Suites Home Service is located at Av. Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, 125 Lagoa da Anta in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 44 - 66 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Reymar Express
Hotel Reymar Express is located approx. 17 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Hotel Reymar Express is located at Rua Marechal Mascarenhas de Moraes, 20 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ipioca Beach Resort
Ipioca Beach Resort is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Ipioca Beach Resort is located at AL-101 649 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Pousada Agua de Coco
Pousada Agua de Coco is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Pousada Agua de Coco is located at Av. Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, 144 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 47 - 71 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Agua de Coco
Hotel Agua de Coco is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Hotel Agua de Coco is located at Av Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes 301 - Cruz das Almas in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Yes Hotel
Yes Hotel is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Yes Hotel is located at Av. João Davino, 490 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Mcz Hotel
Mcz Hotel is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Mcz Hotel is located at Avenida João Davino 490 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Ritz Lagoa da Anta Hotel & SPA
Ritz Lagoa da Anta Hotel & SPA is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Ritz Lagoa da Anta Hotel & SPA is located at Av. Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, 546 in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 102 - 152 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ritz Suites Hotel
Ritz Suites Hotel is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Ritz Suites Hotel is located at Avenida Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes 125 ; Lagoa Da Anta in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Quarto Sala em Jatiúca
Quarto Sala em Jatiúca is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Quarto Sala em Jatiúca is located at Rua José Alves Morgado, 69 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

JATIUCA SUITES RESORT by Slaviero Hoteis is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The JATIUCA SUITES RESORT by Slaviero Hoteis is located at Av. Roberto Mascarenhas de Brito, 666 Jatiúca in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 112 - 168 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Expresso R1
Expresso R1 is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Expresso R1 is located at Av. João Davino, 386, Jatiuca in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 32 - 48 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Bluemar Hotel
Bluemar Hotel is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Bluemar Hotel is located at Av. João Davino, 268, Mangabeiras in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Paradiso Tropical
Paradiso Tropical is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Paradiso Tropical is located at Bica da Pedra in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Zuza Slim Suites
Zuza Slim Suites is located approx. 18 miles (28 km) from Murici downtown area. The Zuza Slim Suites is located at 160 Rua Artur Charles Dorvillé in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 32 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Pousada Capital das Aguas
Pousada Capital das Aguas is located approx. 18 miles (29 km) from Murici downtown area. The Pousada Capital das Aguas is located at Rua Ferroviario Manoel Gonçalves Filho, 153, Jatiuca in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 15 - 23 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Pousada Morada do Sol
Hotel Pousada Morada do Sol is located approx. 18 miles (29 km) from Murici downtown area. The Hotel Pousada Morada do Sol is located at Rua Paulina Maria Mendona, 140 in Murici, Brazil. Read more and book...

Marinas Maceio Hotel
Marinas Maceio Hotel is located approx. 18 miles (29 km) from Murici downtown area. The Marinas Maceio Hotel is located at Av. Álvaro Calheiros, S/N in Murici, Brazil. Cheapest prices from about 52 - 78 dollars / night. Read more and book...
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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Brazil. Find and book cheap hotels in Murici for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Brazil from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Maceió Airport (11 miles), Arapiraca Airport (35 miles) and Caruaru Airport (44 miles). Stay well and affordably throughout Brazil with a good standard.