
Compare prices and book hotels at Altay Xuedu Airport

The cheapest hotels at Altay Xuedu Airport and the surrounding area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels near Altay Xuedu Airport online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains at Altay Xuedu Airport. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels near Altay Xuedu Airport, you have found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Altay Xuedu Airport hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Altay Xuedu Airport

UP AND IN Xijiang Altay Airport

  UP AND IN Xijiang Altay Airport is located approx. 2 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The UP AND IN Xijiang Altay Airport is located at 1F, 3-6F No. 300 Hongshi Area, Irtysh Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Atour Hotel Altay

  Atour Hotel Altay is located approx. 2 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Atour Hotel Altay is located at Block B, No.99 Yingbin Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Premier City Comfort Hotel Altay Wanghu Commercial Plaza

  Premier City Comfort Hotel Altay Wanghu Commercial Plaza is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Premier City Comfort Hotel Altay Wanghu Commercial Plaza is located at Jiamei Commercial Comprehensive Building 1 in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

James Joyce Coffetel (Altay Blue Bay Food City)

  James Joyce Coffetel (Altay Blue Bay Food City) is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The James Joyce Coffetel (Altay Blue Bay Food City) is located at Room 1, Building 10, Jiangjuncheng III, Lanwan Food City, Area 2, Dongfeng Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Jin Du Hotel

  Jin Du Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Jin Du Hotel is located at No.8 Tuanjie Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay Xianghe Hotel

  Altay Xianghe Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay Xianghe Hotel is located at Room 102, unit 2, building 3, Yinhe community, Tuanjie Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

dan dan hotel

  dan dan hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The dan dan hotel is located at Building 1, Yinhe Residential Community, West 1st Lane, Tuanjie Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Ruyi Hotel

  Ruyi Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Ruyi Hotel is located at Huating Residential Area, Area 5, Tuanjie Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay xinju Express Hotel

  Altay xinju Express Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay xinju Express Hotel is located at Floor 1, building 10, huating community, zone 5, tuanjie road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Runde Hotel

  Runde Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Runde Hotel is located at No.111 Tuanjie 1st Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Hengfeng Hotel

  Hengfeng Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Hengfeng Hotel is located at Hengfeng Residential Area, Jiefang South Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Wenzhou Hotel

  Wenzhou Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Wenzhou Hotel is located at Building 242, Block 10, Tuanjie Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay Jintian Hotel

  Altay Jintian Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay Jintian Hotel is located at Tuanjie road people's Bank of China in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay Hongfu Hotel

  Altay Hongfu Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay Hongfu Hotel is located at Building 8, Taiyun, South Jiefang Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay Friendship Hotel

  Altay Friendship Hotel is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay Friendship Hotel is located at Building 128, zone 1, Jiefang Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Altay Wanxin Business Club

  Altay Wanxin Business Club is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Altay Wanxin Business Club is located at 13 Jiefang Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Yangguang Hotel Aletai

  Yangguang Hotel Aletai is located approx. 4 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Yangguang Hotel Aletai is located at Building 112-1, Area 7, Jiefang Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Jinshui Hotel

  Jinshui Hotel is located approx. 5 miles from Altay Xuedu Airport. The Jinshui Hotel is located at Jiefang Road in Altay Xuedu Airport, China. Read more and book...

Search & find cheap Altay Xuedu Airport hotels

Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. near Altay Xuedu Airport. Find and book cheap hotels near Altay Xuedu Airport for conferences, holidays, activities, overnight stays, bathing, accommodation, weddings, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation near Altay Xuedu Airport from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout China with a good standard.