
Compare prices and book hotels in Dongguan

The cheapest hotels in Dongguan and the Dongguan area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Dongguan online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Dongguan. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Dongguan, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Dongguan hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Dongguan

Wanyi Hotel

  Wanyi Hotel is located approx. 290 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Wanyi Hotel is located at Hongtu Road (Hongtu Lu) in Dongguan, China. Cheapest prices from about 23 - 35 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Leisure Hotel

  Leisure Hotel is located approx. 410 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Leisure Hotel is located at No. 7 Tiyu Road, nancheng in Dongguan, China. Cheapest prices from about 41 - 61 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hongfuge Hostel

  Hongfuge Hostel is located approx. 460 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Hongfuge Hostel is located at No.65 Guantai Road, Hongfu Garden in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Hotel Silverland

  Hotel Silverland is located approx. 460 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Hotel Silverland is located at No.48 Guantai Avenue in Dongguan, China. Cheapest prices from about 33 - 49 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Batian Chain Hostel

  Batian Chain Hostel is located approx. 500 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Batian Chain Hostel is located at No.67 Guantai Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Ritz Zhenpin Hotel

  Ritz Zhenpin Hotel is located approx. 520 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Ritz Zhenpin Hotel is located at 1st Floor, Wankai Yincheng Building, No. 1 Yinfeng Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Guangming Apartment

  Guangming Apartment is located approx. 520 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Guangming Apartment is located at No.3 Yinfeng Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Garden Inn

  Garden Inn is located approx. 520 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Garden Inn is located at Guantai Avenue (in the Creative Science Park) in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Dongguan Silver World Garden Hotel

  Dongguan Silver World Garden Hotel is located approx. 530 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Dongguan Silver World Garden Hotel is located at Interchange of Yinfeng Road and Guantai Road, Nancheng District in Dongguan, China. Cheapest prices from about 25 - 37 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Jinjiang Inn Style Dongguan Nancheng International Business District

  Jinjiang Inn Style Dongguan Nancheng International Business District is located approx. 590 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Jinjiang Inn Style Dongguan Nancheng International Business District is located at No.40 Guantai Avenue in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Hilton Happy Friends Dongguan Center Plaza

  Hilton Happy Friends Dongguan Center Plaza is located approx. 600 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Hilton Happy Friends Dongguan Center Plaza is located at No.11 Tiyu Road, Nancheng Residential District, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Yinyuan Hostel

  Yinyuan Hostel is located approx. 630 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Yinyuan Hostel is located at No. 12 Yinfeng Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Venice International Hotel

  Venice International Hotel is located approx. 650 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Venice International Hotel is located at 81 guantai road future hengmei building in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

7 Days Premium (Dongguan City Government Tiyu Road)

  7 Days Premium (Dongguan City Government Tiyu Road) is located approx. 690 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The 7 Days Premium (Dongguan City Government Tiyu Road) is located at F8-10 Nanbei Masion, No.13 Tiyu Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...


  YDL FLat is located approx. 700 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The YDL FLat is located at No.54 Haogang Village in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Star Platinum Hotel

  Star Platinum Hotel is located approx. 700 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Star Platinum Hotel is located at 4F, No. 4, Jianshe Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Harriway Garden Hotel Dongguan

  Harriway Garden Hotel Dongguan is located approx. 710 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Harriway Garden Hotel Dongguan is located at Yuanmei Road (Yuanmei Lu) in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Lavande Hotel Dongguan City Hall Guomao

  Lavande Hotel Dongguan City Hall Guomao is located approx. 720 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Lavande Hotel Dongguan City Hall Guomao is located at No.15 Tiyu Road, Shenghe Community in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Shierjian Business Hotel

  Shierjian Business Hotel is located approx. 720 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Shierjian Business Hotel is located at Block M, South Gate of Dianzhu garden, 5 Yuanmei East Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Shiguang Inn (Dongguan Hongfu Road Store)

  Shiguang Inn (Dongguan Hongfu Road Store) is located approx. 730 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Shiguang Inn (Dongguan Hongfu Road Store) is located at No.1, Shenghelianyi Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Dong Rong Hotel

  Dong Rong Hotel is located approx. 730 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Dong Rong Hotel is located at South of Intersection of Tiyu Road and Zanhua Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Yipin Fashion Hotel (Dongguan Hongfu Road store)

  Yipin Fashion Hotel (Dongguan Hongfu Road store) is located approx. 740 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Yipin Fashion Hotel (Dongguan Hongfu Road store) is located at No. 2, Hengtong Road, Hengmei Community, Nancheng Street in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Exhibition International Hotel

  Exhibition International Hotel is located approx. 750 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Exhibition International Hotel is located at No. 1 North Huizhan Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

E Hotel

  E Hotel is located approx. 760 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The E Hotel is located at Zanhua Road (Near China CITIC Bank) in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

7Tian Jiu Dian Dong Guan Guo Mao Hui Yi Cheng Hong Fu Lu Di Tie Zhan Dian

  7Tian Jiu Dian Dong Guan Guo Mao Hui Yi Cheng Hong Fu Lu Di Tie Zhan Dian is located approx. 770 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The 7Tian Jiu Dian Dong Guan Guo Mao Hui Yi Cheng Hong Fu Lu Di Tie Zhan Dian is located at Yuan Mei Dong Lu 2Hao Jin Hong Fu Lu Di Tie Zhan BChu Kou , Hui Yi Cheng Xie Dui Mian in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Kande International Hotel Dongguan

  Kande International Hotel Dongguan is located approx. 820 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Kande International Hotel Dongguan is located at Haide Square, 200 Hongfu Road, Nancheng District in Dongguan, China. Cheapest prices from about 97 - 145 dollars / night. Read more and book...


  YU FENG HOTEL is located approx. 860 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The YU FENG HOTEL is located at No.24, Yinfeng Road, Hongfu road crossing in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Mingmen Hotel

  Mingmen Hotel is located approx. 940 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Mingmen Hotel is located at No. 78 Guantai Road in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Intercontinental Dongguan

  Intercontinental Dongguan is located approx. 1010 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Intercontinental Dongguan is located at T4 Guo Mao Center, No.1 East H in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

Dongguan NanCheng Fengqin poly Hotel Apartment

  Dongguan NanCheng Fengqin poly Hotel Apartment is located approx. 1040 yards from Dongguan downtown area. The Dongguan NanCheng Fengqin poly Hotel Apartment is located at No. 110, Building 4, Poly Longyuan International Plaza in Dongguan, China. Read more and book...

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