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We list cheap accommodation and hotels in China from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Zhongwei Shapotou Airport, Baiyin Damao Airport, Yinchuan Hedong Airport, Guyuan Liupanshan Airport, Yinchuan Helanshan Air Base, Otog Front Banner Oljoq Airport, Alxa Left Banner Airport, Qingyang Xifeng Airport, Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport, Otog Banner Wulan Airport, Uxin Banner Galutu Airport, Wuhai Airport, Tianshui Maijishan Airport, Yan'an Nanniwan Airport, Yulin Yuyang Airport, Jinchang Jinchuan Airport, Xining Caojiabao Airport, Longnan Chengxian Airport, Xi'an Xianyang Airport and Gannan Xiahe Airport. Stay well and affordably throughout China.