
Compare prices and book hotels at Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport

The cheapest hotels at Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport and the surrounding area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains at Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport, you have found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport

Hotel Roseliere Bucaramanga

  Hotel Roseliere Bucaramanga is located approx. 710 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Roseliere Bucaramanga is located at Calle 30 24-38 / Cañaveral Avenida Floridablanca in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Read more and book...

Sonesta Hotel Bucaramanga

  Sonesta Hotel Bucaramanga is located approx. 810 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Sonesta Hotel Bucaramanga is located at Carrera 27 Nº29 - 145 Cañaveral Oriental Floridablanca - Area Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Centro de Negocios Parque Caracoli Floridablanca, Santander in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 49 - 73 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1501 Metropolitana Plaza

  Ayenda 1501 Metropolitana Plaza is located approx. 1280 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1501 Metropolitana Plaza is located at Transversal Metropolitana 13a 21 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Holiday Inn Bucaramanga Cacique

  Holiday Inn Bucaramanga Cacique is located approx. 1860 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Holiday Inn Bucaramanga Cacique is located at Transversal Oriental Con Calle 93 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 54 - 82 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1506 La Puerta del Sol

  Ayenda 1506 La Puerta del Sol is located approx. 2210 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1506 La Puerta del Sol is located at Calle 61 17 F-15 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Read more and book...

Hotel Leon Dorado

  Hotel Leon Dorado is located approx. 2220 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Leon Dorado is located at Calle 61 No.16 -38 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 32 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Buena Vista Express

  Hotel Buena Vista Express is located approx. 2500 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Buena Vista Express is located at Diag 15 No. 58-40 Bucaramanga in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 24 - 36 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1503 Shaday

  Ayenda 1503 Shaday is located approx. 2560 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1503 Shaday is located at Calle 55 17a02 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Read more and book...

Hotel San Jose Plaza

  Hotel San Jose Plaza is located approx. 2580 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel San Jose Plaza is located at Carrera 17C Nº 55-40 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 32 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel D' Leon

  Hotel D' Leon is located approx. 2590 yards from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel D' Leon is located at Calle 56 No. 21 - 49 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 23 - 35 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Casa Mendoza Hotel Boutique

  Casa Mendoza Hotel Boutique is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Casa Mendoza Hotel Boutique is located at Calle 53 No 31-140 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 33 - 49 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Palonegro

  Hotel Palonegro is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Palonegro is located at Calle 51 31 - 106 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 25 - 37 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1508 Rubi

  Ayenda 1508 Rubi is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1508 Rubi is located at 1357 Calle 45 CENTRO in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Read more and book...

BGA Hotel

  BGA Hotel is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The BGA Hotel is located at Carrera 36 No. 48-76 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Bari Bucaramanga

  Hotel Bari Bucaramanga is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Bari Bucaramanga is located at Carrera 38 No. 48 - 66 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 50 - 76 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Cabecera Country Hotel

  Cabecera Country Hotel is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Cabecera Country Hotel is located at Calle 48 No. 34-29 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 40 - 60 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Dann Carlton Bucaramanga

  Hotel Dann Carlton Bucaramanga is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Dann Carlton Bucaramanga is located at Calle 47 28-43 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 58 - 86 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1502 Principe

  Ayenda 1502 Principe is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1502 Principe is located at Carrera 17 37 - 69 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 13 - 19 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hampton by Hilton Bucaramanga

  Hampton by Hilton Bucaramanga is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hampton by Hilton Bucaramanga is located at Carrera 33 46-07 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda Victoria Comfort

  Ayenda Victoria Comfort is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda Victoria Comfort is located at Carrera 20 N° 36-68 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel San Juan Internacional

  Hotel San Juan Internacional is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel San Juan Internacional is located at Km 6 Via Giron Aeropuerto Palonegro in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1511 Sevilla Plaza

  Ayenda 1511 Sevilla Plaza is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1511 Sevilla Plaza is located at Calle 34 No. 13-51 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 14 - 22 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Ciudad Bonita

  Hotel Ciudad Bonita is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Ciudad Bonita is located at Calle 35 N° 22-01 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Internacional La Triada by DOT Urban

  Hotel Internacional La Triada by DOT Urban is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Internacional La Triada by DOT Urban is located at Carrera 20 No. 34 - 22 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 35 - 53 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda Castillo Real 1521

  Ayenda Castillo Real 1521 is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda Castillo Real 1521 is located at Carrera 21 34-35 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 12 - 18 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Guane

  Hotel Guane is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Guane is located at Calle 34 No. 22-72 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 27 - 41 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Colonial Plaza

  Hotel Colonial Plaza is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Colonial Plaza is located at Calle 33 No 20 - 46 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 11 - 17 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Chicamocha

  Hotel Chicamocha is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Chicamocha is located at Calle 34 No. 31 -24 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 50 - 74 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Buena Vista

  Hotel Buena Vista is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Hotel Buena Vista is located at Calle 34 32-34 in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 31 - 47 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1504 Chico Real

  Ayenda 1504 Chico Real is located approx. 2 miles from Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport. The Ayenda 1504 Chico Real is located at Carrera 31, 33-60 Bucaramnga in Fundacion Oftalmologica de Santander Heliport, Colombia. Read more and book...

Search & find cheap Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport hotels

Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport. Find and book cheap hotels near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport for conferences, holidays, activities, overnight stays, bathing, accommodation, weddings, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation near Fundacion Oftalmologica Heliport from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Colombia with a good standard.