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Compare prices and book hotels in Manizales
The cheapest hotels in Manizales and the Manizales area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Manizales online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Manizales. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Manizales, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Manizales hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Manizales

Ayenda 1133 Casa Polty
Ayenda 1133 Casa Polty is located approx. 20 yards (20 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda 1133 Casa Polty is located at carrera 20 22 25 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 31 - 47 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Casa Polty Hotel
Casa Polty Hotel is located approx. 20 yards (20 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Casa Polty Hotel is located at Carrera 20 22 25 in Manizales, Colombia. Read more and book...

Ayenda Ana Carolina
Ayenda Ana Carolina is located approx. 110 yards (100 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda Ana Carolina is located at Carrera 21 20 - 45 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 23 - 35 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Las Colinas Estelar Hotel
Las Colinas Estelar Hotel is located approx. 120 yards (110 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Las Colinas Estelar Hotel is located at Carrera 22 20 - 20 in Manizales, Colombia. Read more and book...

Pop Art Hotel Manizales
Pop Art Hotel Manizales is located approx. 130 yards (120 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Pop Art Hotel Manizales is located at Carrera 22 No 20 20 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 49 - 73 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1140 Roma Plaza
Ayenda 1140 Roma Plaza is located approx. 130 yards (120 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda 1140 Roma Plaza is located at Calle 21 No 22- 30 - Centro in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Carretero
Hotel Carretero is located approx. 750 yards (690 m) from Manizales downtown area. The Hotel Carretero is located at Carrera 23 No 35 A 31 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 44 - 66 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1131 Casa Valencia
Ayenda 1131 Casa Valencia is located approx. 1490 yards (1 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda 1131 Casa Valencia is located at Carrera 20 20-25 in Manizales, Colombia. Read more and book...

Hotel Casa Galvez
Hotel Casa Galvez is located approx. 1570 yards (1 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Hotel Casa Galvez is located at Carrera 24 No. 51-69 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Estelar Recinto del Pensamiento Hotel
Estelar Recinto del Pensamiento Hotel is located approx. 2350 yards (2 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Estelar Recinto del Pensamiento Hotel is located at Km 11, via al Magdalena in Manizales, Colombia. Read more and book...

Ayenda Portal del Cable
Ayenda Portal del Cable is located approx. 2360 yards (2 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda Portal del Cable is located at clle 65 23b 65 av linsay in Manizales, Colombia. Read more and book...

Quo Quality Hotel
Quo Quality Hotel is located approx. 2440 yards (2 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Quo Quality Hotel is located at Calle 66 A 26 A - 28 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 52 - 78 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Estelar El Cable
Hotel Estelar El Cable is located approx. 2450 yards (2 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Hotel Estelar El Cable is located at Carrera 23 C No 64A 60 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 48 - 72 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Portal De Milan
Hotel Portal De Milan is located approx. 2 miles (3 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Hotel Portal De Milan is located at Carrera 23 no. 70a-76 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 25 - 37 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ayenda 1143 La Camelia
Ayenda 1143 La Camelia is located approx. 2 miles (3 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Ayenda 1143 La Camelia is located at Carrera 23 No. 70A - 70 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 33 - 49 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Regine's Manizales
Hotel Regine's Manizales is located approx. 2 miles (3 km) from Manizales downtown area. The Hotel Regine's Manizales is located at Calle 65 A Numero 23B - 113 in Manizales, Colombia. Cheapest prices from about 54 - 80 dollars / night. Read more and book...
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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Colombia. Find and book cheap hotels in Manizales for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Colombia from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Manizales-La Nubia Airport (3 miles), Pereira-Matecana Airport (15 miles), José María Córdova Airport (47 miles), Medellin-Olaya Herrera Airport (50 miles) and Bogotá-El Dorado Airport (61 miles). Stay well and affordably throughout Colombia with a good standard.