
Compare prices and book hotels in Baracoa

The cheapest hotels in Baracoa and the Baracoa area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Baracoa online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Baracoa. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Baracoa, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Baracoa hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Baracoa

Hostal 1511

  Hostal 1511 is located approx. 60 yards from Baracoa downtown area. The Hostal 1511 is located at Ciro Frias Entre Maceo Y Ruber Lopez, 26, Baracoa in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

La Rusa

  La Rusa is located approx. 120 yards from Baracoa downtown area. The La Rusa is located at Calle Maximo Gomez Entre Ciro Frias Y Rafael Trejo, 161, Baracoa in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

El Castillo

  El Castillo is located approx. 210 yards from Baracoa downtown area. The El Castillo is located at Calle Calixto Garcia Baracoa in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

Hostal La Habanera

  Hostal La Habanera is located approx. 340 yards from Baracoa downtown area. The Hostal La Habanera is located at Maceo Entre Maravi Y Frank Pais, 26, Baracoa in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

Hotel Porto Santo

  Hotel Porto Santo is located approx. 1030 yards from Baracoa downtown area. The Hotel Porto Santo is located at Carretera del Aeropuerto - Baracoa in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

Villa Maguana

  Villa Maguana is located approx. 6 miles from Baracoa downtown area. The Villa Maguana is located at Carretera De Moa, Km. 22, Guantánamo in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

Hotel Villa Maguana

  Hotel Villa Maguana is located approx. 9 miles from Baracoa downtown area. The Hotel Villa Maguana is located at Moa Road km 22, Baracoa 97330, Cuba, Baracoa, 97330, Guantanamo, Cuba in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

Faro De Maisi

  Faro De Maisi is located approx. 13 miles from Baracoa downtown area. The Faro De Maisi is located at La Asuncion, Maisi in Baracoa, Cuba. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Cuba. Find and book cheap hotels in Baracoa for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Cuba from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Cuba with a good standard.