
Compare prices and book hotels in Boyeros

The cheapest hotels in Boyeros and the Boyeros area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Boyeros online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Boyeros. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Boyeros, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Boyeros hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Boyeros

Cubanacan Bello Caribe

  Cubanacan Bello Caribe is located approx. 3 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Cubanacan Bello Caribe is located at Calle 158 Y Ave. 31, Miramar Playa Havana 11 300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Palco is located approx. 4 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Palco is located at Calle 146 E/ 11 Y 13 Reparto Siboney, Playa Havana 11300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Starfish Montehabana

  Starfish Montehabana is located approx. 4 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Starfish Montehabana is located at Avenida 70 Entre 5Ta Y 7Ma. Avenida Miramar in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Kohly is located approx. 4 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Kohly is located at Ave 49 Y Calle 36 A Reparto Kolhy Havana 11300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

ValentA­n Quinta Avenida Habana

  ValentA­n Quinta Avenida Habana is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The ValentA­n Quinta Avenida Habana is located at 5Ta Ave, E/ 76 Y 80 Miramar, Playa Havana - Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Memories Miramar Havana

  Memories Miramar Havana is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Memories Miramar Havana is located at 5ta Avenida Between 72 Y 76 in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Starfish Montehabana

  Starfish Montehabana is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Starfish Montehabana is located at Calle 70 E/ 5Ta A Y 7Ma. Miramar, Playa Havana 11300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Bella Habana

  Bella Habana is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Bella Habana is located at Calle Conill E/ Marino Y Boyeros, N Plaza De La Revolucion Havana 10 400 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Comodoro is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Comodoro is located at Avenida 3Ra Y Calle 84, Miramar Playa Havana 11300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Cubanacan Comodoro

  Cubanacan Comodoro is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Cubanacan Comodoro is located at Av. 3ra Y Calle 84 Playa in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  GRAND ASTON HABANA is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The GRAND ASTON HABANA is located at CALLE 1A Y D; VEDADO in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Melia Habana

  Melia Habana is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Melia Habana is located at Avda. 3a E/ 76 Y 80, Miramar in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

El Bosque

  El Bosque is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The El Bosque is located at Calle 28A, E/ 49A Y 49C Reparto Kohly Havana 11300 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Tulipan is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Tulipan is located at Calle Factor E/ Tulipan Y Lombillo, Plaza De La Revolucion Havana 10 400 Cuba in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Gran Caribe Neptuno Triton

  Gran Caribe Neptuno Triton is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Gran Caribe Neptuno Triton is located at  Av 3a esq Calle 74, Miramar La Habana in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Aston Panorama Hotel

  Aston Panorama Hotel is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Aston Panorama Hotel is located at Av 3 & Calle 70 in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

H10 Habana Panorama

  H10 Habana Panorama is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The H10 Habana Panorama is located at Avenida 3ra y Calle 70 Miramar, 110300-Miramar in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Club Acuario

  Club Acuario is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Club Acuario is located at Calle 248 Y 5ta Av. Santa Fe. in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Tropicoco is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Tropicoco is located at Av. Banderas y Las Terrazas, Santa María del Mar, in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

Chateau Miramar

  Chateau Miramar is located approx. 5 miles from Boyeros downtown area. The Chateau Miramar is located at Avenida 1Ra E/60 Y 70 Playa in Boyeros, Cuba. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Cuba. Find and book cheap hotels in Boyeros for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Cuba from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Cuba with a good standard.