
Compare prices and book hotels in Chambas

The cheapest hotels in Chambas and the Chambas area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Chambas online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Chambas. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Chambas, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Chambas hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Chambas

Villa San Jose Del Lago

  Villa San Jose Del Lago is located approx. 6 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Villa San Jose Del Lago is located at Ave. Antonio Guiteras Km 1 ½, Mayajigua in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Islazul Moron

  Islazul Moron is located approx. 12 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Islazul Moron is located at Avenida De Tarafa, Moron Ciego De Avila Cayo Coco 67210 Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...


  MORON is located approx. 12 miles from Chambas downtown area. The MORON is located at AVENIDA DE TARAFA in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort & Spa

  Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort & Spa is located approx. 19 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Grand Aston Cayo Las Brujas Beach Resort & Spa is located at Cayo Las Brujas, Caibarien, Villa Clara, - in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Starfish Cayo Guillermo

  Starfish Cayo Guillermo is located approx. 19 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Starfish Cayo Guillermo is located at Cl Cayo Guillermo Mor�N Ciego De �Vila Sn in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Starfish Cayo Guillermo

  Starfish Cayo Guillermo is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Starfish Cayo Guillermo is located at Cayo Guillermo, Jardines Del Rey, Moron Cayo Guillermo 69 400 Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Iberostar Daiquiri All Inclusive

  Iberostar Daiquiri All Inclusive is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Iberostar Daiquiri All Inclusive is located at Cayo Guillermo - Jardines del Rey Ciego de Ávila in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...


  CAYO GUILLERMO RESORT KEMPINSKI is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The CAYO GUILLERMO RESORT KEMPINSKI is located at in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo Adults Only

  Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo Adults Only is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo Adults Only is located at Muthu Rainbow, Cayo Guillermo, 12345 in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Grand Muthu Cayo Guillermo

  Grand Muthu Cayo Guillermo is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Grand Muthu Cayo Guillermo is located at Km 55 Highway To Playa Pilar Sn in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...


  RAINBOW MUTHU CAYO GUILLERMO is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The RAINBOW MUTHU CAYO GUILLERMO is located at CRTRA. CAYO SANTA MARIA in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo

  Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Gran Muthu Rainbow Cayo Guillermo is located at Crtra. Cayo Santa Maria in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Gran Muthu Imperial Hotel

  Gran Muthu Imperial Hotel is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Gran Muthu Imperial Hotel is located at Gran Muthu Imperial, Cayo Guillermo, 69400 in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Iberostar Selection Playa Pilar

  Iberostar Selection Playa Pilar is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Iberostar Selection Playa Pilar is located at Km 55 carretera a Playa Pilar in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...


  IBEROSTAR PLAYA PILAR is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The IBEROSTAR PLAYA PILAR is located at KM 55 CARRETERA A PLAYA PILAR; PLAYA PILAR in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Memories Paraiso Beach Resort All Inclusive

  Memories Paraiso Beach Resort All Inclusive is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Memories Paraiso Beach Resort All Inclusive is located at Cayo Santa Maria Caibarien Cayo Santa Maria 52610 Cayo Santa Maria Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inclusive

  Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inclusive is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inclusive is located at Cayo Santa Maria Caibarien. Cayo Santa Maria 52610 Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Sanctuary At Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inc

  Sanctuary At Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inc is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Sanctuary At Grand Memories Santa Maria All Inc is located at Pedraplen A Cayo Santa Maria Cayo Santa Maria 52610 Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Iberostar Ensenachos

  Iberostar Ensenachos is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Iberostar Ensenachos is located at Cayo Ensenachos in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

Royalton Cayo Santa Maria Adults Only All Inc

  Royalton Cayo Santa Maria Adults Only All Inc is located approx. 20 miles from Chambas downtown area. The Royalton Cayo Santa Maria Adults Only All Inc is located at Cayo Santa Maria, Caibarien Jardines Del Rey Cayo Santa Maria 52610 Cuba in Chambas, Cuba. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Cuba. Find and book cheap hotels in Chambas for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Cuba from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Cuba with a good standard.