
Compare prices and book hotels in Madruga

The cheapest hotels in Madruga and the Madruga area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Madruga online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Madruga. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Madruga, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Madruga hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Madruga

Villa Tropico Jibacoa

  Villa Tropico Jibacoa is located approx. 10 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Villa Tropico Jibacoa is located at Via Blanca Km 60, Playa Jibacoa in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Memories Jibacoa Adults Only +16

  Memories Jibacoa Adults Only +16 is located approx. 10 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Memories Jibacoa Adults Only +16 is located at Arroyo Bermejo Beach, Santa Cruz del Norte, in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Hotel E Velasco

  Hotel E Velasco is located approx. 12 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Hotel E Velasco is located at Calle Contreras Esq. Sta. Teresa Y Ayuntamiento, S/N, Matanzas in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...


  CANIMAO is located approx. 15 miles from Madruga downtown area. The CANIMAO is located at KM 4 1/2 CARR.A VARADERO in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Blau Arenal Habana Beach

  Blau Arenal Habana Beach is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Blau Arenal Habana Beach is located at Laguna de Boc Ciega Santa Maria Del Mar. in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Gran Caribe Club Atlantico

  Gran Caribe Club Atlantico is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Gran Caribe Club Atlantico is located at  Avenida de las Terrazas, Santa María del Mar La Habana in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Hotel Club Atlantico

  Hotel Club Atlantico is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Hotel Club Atlantico is located at Ave. Las Terrazas, Santa Maria Del Mar in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...


  Atlantico is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Atlantico is located at Ave. De Las Terrazas, Santa Maria D Playas Del Este Havana 10 900 Cuba in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Terrazas Atlantico

  Terrazas Atlantico is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Terrazas Atlantico is located at Ave. Las Terrazas, E 12 Y Rotonda Santa Maria Del Mar, Habana Del Est Havana 10900 Cuba in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Marazul Hotel

  Marazul Hotel is located approx. 17 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Marazul Hotel is located at Ave. Banderas y Las Terrazas, Sta. María del Mar, Habana del Este, La Habana, Cu in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Villa Bacuranao

  Villa Bacuranao is located approx. 19 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Villa Bacuranao is located at Via Blanca Km 15, 5, Playa Bacuranao La Habana Del Este Havana 10900 Cuba in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...


  GRAND ASTON HABANA is located approx. 21 miles from Madruga downtown area. The GRAND ASTON HABANA is located at CALLE 1A Y D; VEDADO in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Habaguanex Armadores De Santan

  Habaguanex Armadores De Santan is located approx. 22 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Habaguanex Armadores De Santan is located at Calle Luz No. 4 E/ Oficios Y San Pe , Habana Vieja , Havana 10 100 , Cuba in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Armadores De Santander Boutique

  Armadores De Santander Boutique is located approx. 22 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Armadores De Santander Boutique is located at Luz núm.4, Esquina a San Pedro in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

Palacio Cueto

  Palacio Cueto is located approx. 22 miles from Madruga downtown area. The Palacio Cueto is located at Inquisidor y Muralla in Madruga, Cuba. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Cuba. Find and book cheap hotels in Madruga for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Cuba from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Cuba with a good standard.