
Compare prices and book hotels in Pärnu

The cheapest hotels in Pärnu and the Pärnu area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Pärnu online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Pärnu. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Pärnu, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Pärnu hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Pärnu

Hotel Victoria

  Hotel Victoria is located approx. 260 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Hotel Victoria is located at Kuninga 25 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Parnu Hotel

  Parnu Hotel is located approx. 380 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Parnu Hotel is located at Rüütli 44 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Luxury Art Nouveau Hotel Villa Ammende

  Luxury Art Nouveau Hotel Villa Ammende is located approx. 450 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Luxury Art Nouveau Hotel Villa Ammende is located at Mere pst 7 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Hotel Villa Wesset

  Hotel Villa Wesset is located approx. 590 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Hotel Villa Wesset is located at Supeluse 26 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa

  Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa is located approx. 630 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa is located at Tammsaare 4a in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Hotell Tammsaare

  Hotell Tammsaare is located approx. 940 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Hotell Tammsaare is located at Tammsaare 24 b in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...


  Astra is located approx. 950 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Astra is located at Tammsaare 24-B, in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...


  Rannahotell is located approx. 1000 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Rannahotell is located at Ranna pst 5 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Strand Spa & Conference Hotel

  Strand Spa & Conference Hotel is located approx. 1320 yards from Pärnu downtown area. The Strand Spa & Conference Hotel is located at Tammsaare pst 35 in Pärnu, Estonia. Read more and book...

Search & find cheap hotels in Pärnu

Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Estonia. Find and book cheap hotels in Pärnu for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Estonia from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Estonia with a good standard.