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The cheapest hotels in Banjarmasin and the Banjarmasin area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Banjarmasin online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Banjarmasin. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Banjarmasin, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Banjarmasin hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Banjarmasin

Mira Banjarmasin
Mira Banjarmasin is located approx. 220 yards (200 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Mira Banjarmasin is located at Jl. M.T. Haryono No.49, Kertak Baru Ulu, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Metro Banjarmasin
Hotel Metro Banjarmasin is located approx. 230 yards (210 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Metro Banjarmasin is located at Mayjen Sutoyo Street No. 26 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Aria Barito Hotel
Aria Barito Hotel is located approx. 280 yards (260 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Aria Barito Hotel is located at Jl. Haryono MT No.16 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

RedDoorz near Pasar Tarapung Banjarmasin
RedDoorz near Pasar Tarapung Banjarmasin is located approx. 300 yards (270 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The RedDoorz near Pasar Tarapung Banjarmasin is located at Jl. Pangeran Samudera no.15, Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan, Banjarmasin, 70111, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Grand Mentari Hotel
Grand Mentari Hotel is located approx. 320 yards (290 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Grand Mentari Hotel is located at Jalan Lambung Mangkurat 32 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 27 - 41 dollars / night. Read more and book...

RedDoorz Near Taman Bekantan Banjarmasin
RedDoorz Near Taman Bekantan Banjarmasin is located approx. 320 yards (300 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The RedDoorz Near Taman Bekantan Banjarmasin is located at 'Jalan Kapten Piere Tendean' 'No.22/64' in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Pelangi Indah
Hotel Pelangi Indah is located approx. 340 yards (310 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Pelangi Indah is located at Mayjen Sutoyo S. Street No.16, Tlk. Dalam, Banjarmasin Tengah, Banjarmasin City, Kalimantan Selatan 70115 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

pyramid suites Hotel
pyramid suites Hotel is located approx. 350 yards (320 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The pyramid suites Hotel is located at jl. Skip lama no. 8 Kalimantan Selatan - Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

NASA Hotel
NASA Hotel is located approx. 350 yards (320 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The NASA Hotel is located at Jalan Djok Mentaya No. 8 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 32 - 48 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel 88 Banjarmasin
Hotel 88 Banjarmasin is located approx. 390 yards (360 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel 88 Banjarmasin is located at 19 Jalan Lambung Mangkurat in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Urbanview Hotel Kanca Banjarmasin
Urbanview Hotel Kanca Banjarmasin is located approx. 400 yards (370 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Urbanview Hotel Kanca Banjarmasin is located at 8 Jalan H.Djok Mentaya in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 2524 Royal Borneo Guesthouse
OYO 2524 Royal Borneo Guesthouse is located approx. 400 yards (370 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The OYO 2524 Royal Borneo Guesthouse is located at 8, Jl. H.Djok Mentaya No.8, Kertak Baru Ilir, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah, Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel SAS Syariah
Hotel SAS Syariah is located approx. 410 yards (370 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel SAS Syariah is located at Jl. Kacapiring Besar No.2, Kertak Baru Ilir, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Banjarmasin International
Hotel Banjarmasin International is located approx. 420 yards (380 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Banjarmasin International is located at Jl. Jendral A. Yani Km 4.5 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

POP! Hotel Banjarmasin
POP! Hotel Banjarmasin is located approx. 480 yards (440 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The POP! Hotel Banjarmasin is located at Jl. H Djok Mentaya No 50, Kertak Baru Ilir in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 15 - 23 dollars / night. Read more and book...

OYO 2197 Pulau Laut Guest House
OYO 2197 Pulau Laut Guest House is located approx. 490 yards (450 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The OYO 2197 Pulau Laut Guest House is located at 25, Jl. Pulau Laut No.25, Antasari Besar, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah, Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Aquarius Banjarmasin
Aquarius Banjarmasin is located approx. 500 yards (460 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Aquarius Banjarmasin is located at Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.32, Kertak Baru Ilir, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70111 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 1983 Dc Guest House
SPOT ON 1983 Dc Guest House is located approx. 530 yards (490 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The SPOT ON 1983 Dc Guest House is located at Jl. Sei Mesa, Seberang Mesjid in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

City Home Banjarmasin
City Home Banjarmasin is located approx. 600 yards (550 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The City Home Banjarmasin is located at Jalan Cempaka 4 No.14 , Banjarmasin Tengah, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia, 0511 No.14 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Victoria River View
Hotel Victoria River View is located approx. 610 yards (560 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Victoria River View is located at Jln. Lambung Mangkurat No.48 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Swiss Belhotel Borneo Banjarmasin
Swiss Belhotel Borneo Banjarmasin is located approx. 630 yards (580 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Swiss Belhotel Borneo Banjarmasin is located at Pangeran Antasari Street No. 86 A, P.O. Box 444, South Kalimantan in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 44 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Rajawali Samaindah
Hotel Rajawali Samaindah is located approx. 730 yards (670 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Rajawali Samaindah is located at Jl. Kolonel Sugiono No.53, Pekapuran Laut, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70233 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Roditha
Hotel Roditha is located approx. 740 yards (670 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Roditha is located at Jalan Pangeran Antasari Pasar Pagi No 41 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Favehotel Ahmad Yani Banjarmasin
Favehotel Ahmad Yani Banjarmasin is located approx. 770 yards (710 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Favehotel Ahmad Yani Banjarmasin is located at Jl Ahmad Yani Km.2 No.35 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 19 - 29 dollars / night. Read more and book...

OYO 2057 Hotel Kharisma
OYO 2057 Hotel Kharisma is located approx. 780 yards (720 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The OYO 2057 Hotel Kharisma is located at 36-38, Jl. K. S. Tubun No.36-38, Kelayan Bar., Kec. Banjarmasin Selatan, Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 3031 Hotel Regenerasi
OYO 3031 Hotel Regenerasi is located approx. 810 yards (740 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The OYO 3031 Hotel Regenerasi is located at 34, Jalan Kolonel Sugiono No. 34-38, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kelayan Luar, Kec. Banjarmasin Tengah, Banjarmasin in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Regen Bajarmasin RedPartner
Hotel Regen Bajarmasin RedPartner is located approx. 810 yards (740 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Hotel Regen Bajarmasin RedPartner is located at Jl. Kolonel Sugiono No.34-38, Kelayan Luar in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 850 Lapan Lapan
OYO 850 Lapan Lapan is located approx. 820 yards (750 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The OYO 850 Lapan Lapan is located at 19, Jl. Rantauan Darat, Pekauman, Banjarmasin, 70234 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Flo Guest House
Flo Guest House is located approx. 830 yards (760 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Flo Guest House is located at Jl.S.Parman I No.10, Ps. Lama, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan 70115 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Jelita Hotel
Jelita Hotel is located approx. 840 yards (770 m) from Banjarmasin downtown area. The Jelita Hotel is located at Jl. Jend. A. Yani Km 2, 5 No.44-46 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...
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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Indonesia. Find and book cheap hotels in Banjarmasin for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Indonesia from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Syamsudin Noor Airport (9 miles). Stay well and affordably throughout Indonesia with a good standard.