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The cheapest hotels in Jepara and the Jepara area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Jepara online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Jepara. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Jepara, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Jepara hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Jepara

Hotel Kencana Jaya
Hotel Kencana Jaya is located approx. 330 yards (300 m) from Jepara downtown area. The Hotel Kencana Jaya is located at JL PEMUDA NO 16 A, PANGGANG III, PANGGANG in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Jepara Indah Hotel
Jepara Indah Hotel is located approx. 480 yards (440 m) from Jepara downtown area. The Jepara Indah Hotel is located at Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 12 in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Wisma Andany
Wisma Andany is located approx. 540 yards (490 m) from Jepara downtown area. The Wisma Andany is located at Jl. Kyai Ronggo Mulyo, Pengko III, Pengkol, Jepara in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Kalingga Star
Kalingga Star is located approx. 540 yards (490 m) from Jepara downtown area. The Kalingga Star is located at Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.16, Pincode- 59417, Jepara, Indonesia in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 2414 Homestay Potroyudan
SPOT ON 2414 Homestay Potroyudan is located approx. 570 yards (530 m) from Jepara downtown area. The SPOT ON 2414 Homestay Potroyudan is located at Jl. Komisaris Moh. Sukri, Potroyudan XV, Potroyudan, Jepara in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90705 Hotel Nusantara Syariah
OYO 90705 Hotel Nusantara Syariah is located approx. 650 yards (600 m) from Jepara downtown area. The OYO 90705 Hotel Nusantara Syariah is located at Jl. Kolonel Sugiono No.20, Jobokuto, Kec.Jepara in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Syailendra Hotel Syariah
Syailendra Hotel Syariah is located approx. 740 yards (680 m) from Jepara downtown area. The Syailendra Hotel Syariah is located at Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto no 27 in Jepara, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

The Gecho Inn Town
The Gecho Inn Town is located approx. 800 yards (730 m) from Jepara downtown area. The The Gecho Inn Town is located at Jl. A.R.Hakim 43 in Jepara, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 23 - 35 dollars / night. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 90760 Homestay Al Madina Syariah
SPOT ON 90760 Homestay Al Madina Syariah is located approx. 1180 yards (1 km) from Jepara downtown area. The SPOT ON 90760 Homestay Al Madina Syariah is located at Jalan Gudang Sawo KM 1, 5 in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Seaside Villa
Seaside Villa is located approx. 1440 yards (1 km) from Jepara downtown area. The Seaside Villa is located at Desa Mulyoharjo RT 05/RW 04, Mulyoharjo Kec. Jepara Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 2761 Pondok Kartini
SPOT ON 2761 Pondok Kartini is located approx. 1560 yards (1 km) from Jepara downtown area. The SPOT ON 2761 Pondok Kartini is located at No. 7, Senenan, Jepara in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Palm Beach Resort
Palm Beach Resort is located approx. 1780 yards (2 km) from Jepara downtown area. The Palm Beach Resort is located at Jl. Tirto Samudra No 191 in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Samudra Hotel & Resto
Samudra Hotel & Resto is located approx. 1810 yards (2 km) from Jepara downtown area. The Samudra Hotel & Resto is located at Jl. Pemandian No 8, Kelurahan Bulu in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Rimba Desa Resort Inn Jepara
Rimba Desa Resort Inn Jepara is located approx. 2530 yards (2 km) from Jepara downtown area. The Rimba Desa Resort Inn Jepara is located at Desa Kedungcino RT.03/RW.01 Jalan Jepara - Bangsri, Kec. Bangsri in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...

D'Season Premiere Hotel
D'Season Premiere Hotel is located approx. 2 miles (3 km) from Jepara downtown area. The D'Season Premiere Hotel is located at Jl. Pariwisata 09 Bandengan in Jepara, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 40 dollars / night. Read more and book...

vinn villa
vinn villa is located approx. 2 miles (4 km) from Jepara downtown area. The vinn villa is located at Jalan Teluk Awur in Jepara, Indonesia. Read more and book...
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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Indonesia. Find and book cheap hotels in Jepara for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Indonesia from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Semarang-Achmad Yani Airport (21 miles) and Adisucipto Airport (52 miles). Stay well and affordably throughout Indonesia with a good standard.