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The cheapest hotels in Kediri and the Kediri area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Kediri online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Kediri. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Kediri, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Kediri hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Kediri

Citihub Hotel Kediri
Citihub Hotel Kediri is located approx. 240 yards (220 m) from Kediri downtown area. The Citihub Hotel Kediri is located at Jl. Joyoboyo 21, Kediri, Jawa Timur, in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Raya Resort Hotel
Raya Resort Hotel is located approx. 600 yards (550 m) from Kediri downtown area. The Raya Resort Hotel is located at Jalan Yos Sudarso 21-23, in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90725 Zeevana Guest House Syariah
OYO 90725 Zeevana Guest House Syariah is located approx. 630 yards (580 m) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 90725 Zeevana Guest House Syariah is located at No.39, Jl. Balowerti V, Balowerti, Kec. Kota Kediri, Kediri, Jawa Timur 64129. Indonesia, Kediri in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Bismo
Hotel Bismo is located approx. 820 yards (750 m) from Kediri downtown area. The Hotel Bismo is located at Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.119 Kota Kediri in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90248 D'em Homestay Family
OYO 90248 D'em Homestay Family is located approx. 990 yards (910 m) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 90248 D'em Homestay Family is located at Jl. Inspeksi Brantas, Dermaga, Kec. Mojoroto in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Griya Kinari Syariah
Griya Kinari Syariah is located approx. 1020 yards (930 m) from Kediri downtown area. The Griya Kinari Syariah is located at Jl. Tinalan Gg. I No.30, Tinalan, Pesantren, Kediri Regency, East Java 64132 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90214 Hp Residence
OYO 90214 Hp Residence is located approx. 1090 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 90214 Hp Residence is located at Jl. Tinalan, Gang 3, Tinalan, Kec. Pesantren, Kediri, Jawa Timur 64132 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Welirang Syariah
Hotel Welirang Syariah is located approx. 1150 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Hotel Welirang Syariah is located at 14kel Jl. Welirang in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90139 Arival Homestay Syariah
OYO 90139 Arival Homestay Syariah is located approx. 1200 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 90139 Arival Homestay Syariah is located at Jl. Sutoyo 4, Burengan Kec. Pesantren in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Viva Hotel Kediri by Azana
Viva Hotel Kediri by Azana is located approx. 1270 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Viva Hotel Kediri by Azana is located at Jl. Letjen Suparman no 86 in Kediri, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 32 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Adisurya Hotel
Adisurya Hotel is located approx. 1290 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Adisurya Hotel is located at in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Penginapan Teratai
Penginapan Teratai is located approx. 1330 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Penginapan Teratai is located at Jl. Mauni Peni Gang Makam no 8, Bangsal, Kediri, 64131 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90234 Dhoho Family Guest House
OYO 90234 Dhoho Family Guest House is located approx. 1500 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 90234 Dhoho Family Guest House is located at Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.199 Ngronggo, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64129. in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 91233 Bismo 85 Family Syariah
OYO 91233 Bismo 85 Family Syariah is located approx. 1610 yards (1 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 91233 Bismo 85 Family Syariah is located at 85, Semampir, Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64123, Indonesia, 60000, Kediri, East Java in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Coconut Hotel
Coconut Hotel is located approx. 1650 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Coconut Hotel is located at Jalan Suparjan Mangun Wijaya no 19. mojoroto. kediri in Kediri, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 10 - 16 dollars / night. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 1759 Family Residence
SPOT ON 1759 Family Residence is located approx. 1720 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The SPOT ON 1759 Family Residence is located at No. 88, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No.88, Mojoroto, Kec. Mojoroto, Kediri in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Mitra Inn
Hotel Mitra Inn is located approx. 1870 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Hotel Mitra Inn is located at Jl. Mayor Bismo 355 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Front One Inn Kediri
Front One Inn Kediri is located approx. 2120 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Front One Inn Kediri is located at Jalan Erlangga in Kediri, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Star Suites Hotel
Star Suites Hotel is located approx. 2160 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Star Suites Hotel is located at Jl. Raya Mauni Baptis No. 88 Kediri in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Wisma Syafana Syariah
Wisma Syafana Syariah is located approx. 2190 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Wisma Syafana Syariah is located at Jl. Mastrip No.37, Sukorame, Kec. Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur 64114 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 3309 Forrest’inn
OYO 3309 Forrest’inn is located approx. 2240 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 3309 Forrest’inn is located at Jl. Raya Jongbiru 285, Gampengrejo Kediri, Jawa Timur 64123 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Votel Hotel DePratnya Kediri
Votel Hotel DePratnya Kediri is located approx. 2320 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Votel Hotel DePratnya Kediri is located at Jalan Pamenang in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Salma Syariah RedPartner
Hotel Salma Syariah RedPartner is located approx. 2380 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Hotel Salma Syariah RedPartner is located at Jl. Semeru No.74, Campurejo in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Homestay Wijaya Kusuma
Homestay Wijaya Kusuma is located approx. 2600 yards (2 km) from Kediri downtown area. The Homestay Wijaya Kusuma is located at Jl. Argowilis No.14, Semen, Tamanan, Kec. Semen, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur 64116 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 1621 Rahayu Residence Syariah
OYO 1621 Rahayu Residence Syariah is located approx. 2 miles (4 km) from Kediri downtown area. The OYO 1621 Rahayu Residence Syariah is located at Jl. Raya Kediri - Pare, RT.16/RW.03 in Kediri, Indonesia. Read more and book...
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