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Compare prices and book hotels in Langsa

The cheapest hotels in Langsa and the Langsa area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Langsa online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Langsa. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Langsa, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Langsa hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels among guests in Langsa

Popular hotels near Langsa

Image from L Ruma

L Ruma

  L Ruma is located approx. 350 yards (320 m) from Langsa downtown area. The L Ruma is located at Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 80, Langsa, Aceh in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from OYO 90618 Hanania House Syariah

OYO 90618 Hanania House Syariah

  OYO 90618 Hanania House Syariah is located approx. 590 yards (540 m) from Langsa downtown area. The OYO 90618 Hanania House Syariah is located at Langsa Kota, Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from OYO 3068 Losmen Ramille

OYO 3068 Losmen Ramille

  OYO 3068 Losmen Ramille is located approx. 1420 yards (1 km) from Langsa downtown area. The OYO 3068 Losmen Ramille is located at 82, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Langsa in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Hotel Chocolate

Hotel Chocolate

  Hotel Chocolate is located approx. 1860 yards (2 km) from Langsa downtown area. The Hotel Chocolate is located at Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim, No. 1 in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from OYO 2598 Hotel Chocolate

OYO 2598 Hotel Chocolate

  OYO 2598 Hotel Chocolate is located approx. 1980 yards (2 km) from Langsa downtown area. The OYO 2598 Hotel Chocolate is located at No. 1, Jl. Prof. A Majid Ibrahim, Kel. Lhok Banie, Kec. Langsa Baro, Kota Langsa, Aceh 24355, Langsa in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Pondok Indah syariah

Pondok Indah syariah

  Pondok Indah syariah is located approx. 2570 yards (2 km) from Langsa downtown area. The Pondok Indah syariah is located at 'Jalan Islamic Center, Kel. Langsa Baro, Kec, Birem Puntong, Langsa Baro, Kota Langsa, Aceh 24415' 'Birem Puntong, Langsa Baro' in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Mori Hotel Kualasimpang

Mori Hotel Kualasimpang

  Mori Hotel Kualasimpang is located approx. 9 miles (14 km) from Langsa downtown area. The Mori Hotel Kualasimpang is located at Kualasimpang, Aceh Tamiang, provinsi Aceh. in Langsa, Indonesia. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Indonesia. Find and book cheap hotels in Langsa for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Indonesia from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are . Stay well and affordably throughout Indonesia with a good standard.