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The cheapest hotels in Rantepao and the Rantepao area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Rantepao online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Rantepao. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Rantepao, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Rantepao hotels on the Internet.
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Popular hotels near Rantepao

Hotel Monika
Hotel Monika is located approx. 140 yards (130 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Hotel Monika is located at Jalan Dr. Ratulangi in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Toraja Banua Hotel
Toraja Banua Hotel is located approx. 340 yards (310 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Toraja Banua Hotel is located at 2 Jalan Kartika in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Toraja Torsina Hotel
Toraja Torsina Hotel is located approx. 380 yards (350 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Toraja Torsina Hotel is located at Jl Rura Pao in Rantepao, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 591 - 887 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Santai Toraja
Santai Toraja is located approx. 540 yards (500 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Santai Toraja is located at Jalan Inovasi, Singki, Toraja Utara - Rantepao-Sulawesi in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Toraja Lodge Hotel
Toraja Lodge Hotel is located approx. 620 yards (560 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Toraja Lodge Hotel is located at Jl. Edelweis No. 18 C Tana Toraja in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Madarana Hotel
Madarana Hotel is located approx. 640 yards (580 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Madarana Hotel is located at Jl Sadan No 21B in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Toraja Heritage Hotel
Toraja Heritage Hotel is located approx. 760 yards (700 m) from Rantepao downtown area. The Toraja Heritage Hotel is located at Jl. Ke'te Kesu' in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge
OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge is located approx. 1290 yards (1 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge is located at Jl. Tongkonan Kua, Rinding Batu, Kec. Kesu, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Sulawesi Selatan , Makassar in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge
OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge is located approx. 1300 yards (1 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge is located at 0, Jl. Tongkonan Kua, Rinding Batu, Kec. Kesu, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Sulawesi Selatan , 91835, Makassar, South Sulawesi in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Wisma Papa Tia Toraja
Wisma Papa Tia Toraja is located approx. 1420 yards (1 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Wisma Papa Tia Toraja is located at Ba'tan, Kesu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Toraja Prince Hotel
Toraja Prince Hotel is located approx. 1840 yards (2 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Toraja Prince Hotel is located at Tallunglipu Matalo, Tallunglipu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi 91853 in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

OYO 90864 Rufus Homestay Toraja
OYO 90864 Rufus Homestay Toraja is located approx. 2240 yards (2 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The OYO 90864 Rufus Homestay Toraja is located at No. 01, Jalan Poros Rantepao Makale, Saloso, Sulawesi Selatan, 91831, Indonesia, Makassar in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Gosyen Efata Toraja Hotel
Gosyen Efata Toraja Hotel is located approx. 3 miles (5 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Gosyen Efata Toraja Hotel is located at Jl. Poros Makale - Rantepao Km.8, Makale Utara, Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

SPOT ON 91167 Tatto Bara Homestay
SPOT ON 91167 Tatto Bara Homestay is located approx. 3 miles (5 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The SPOT ON 91167 Tatto Bara Homestay is located at 1, Tombang Langda, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 91817, Makassar, South Sulawesi in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Hotel Indra Toraja
Hotel Indra Toraja is located approx. 5 miles (8 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Hotel Indra Toraja is located at Jl. Landorundun No. 63 Rantepao, North Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia in Rantepao, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Villa Manggasa
Villa Manggasa is located approx. 6 miles (10 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Villa Manggasa is located at Ua' Saruran Street, Bombongan, Makale, Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, 91817, Indonesia in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Sahid Toraja Hotel
Sahid Toraja Hotel is located approx. 9 miles (14 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Sahid Toraja Hotel is located at Jl. Raya Gettengan 1 Mengkendek 91811 in Rantepao, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 40 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Sahid Toraja
Sahid Toraja is located approx. 9 miles (15 km) from Rantepao downtown area. The Sahid Toraja is located at Jl. Raya Gettengan No.1 in Rantepao, Indonesia. Read more and book...
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