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Compare prices and book hotels in Sofifi

The cheapest hotels in Sofifi and the Sofifi area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Sofifi online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Sofifi. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Sofifi, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Sofifi hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels among guests in Sofifi

Popular hotels near Sofifi

Image from Ternate City Hotel

Ternate City Hotel

  Ternate City Hotel is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Ternate City Hotel is located at Jalan Nuku No 1 Ternate, Ternate Tengah, Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Boulevard Hotel Ternate

Boulevard Hotel Ternate

  Boulevard Hotel Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Boulevard Hotel Ternate is located at Kawasan Jatiland Business Center, Jl. Tapak II No. 1 - 6 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Hotel Menara Archie

Hotel Menara Archie

  Hotel Menara Archie is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Hotel Menara Archie is located at Jl. Nuku No. 101, Kel. Muhajirin Maluku Utara in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Gaia Hotel Ternate

Gaia Hotel Ternate

  Gaia Hotel Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Gaia Hotel Ternate is located at in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Archie Hotel 2

Archie Hotel 2

  Archie Hotel 2 is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Archie Hotel 2 is located at Jl. Sultan Nuku No.6, Muhajirin, Ternate Tengah, Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Hotel Nirwana Ternate RedPartner

Hotel Nirwana Ternate RedPartner

  Hotel Nirwana Ternate RedPartner is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Hotel Nirwana Ternate RedPartner is located at Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No.58-60 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Muara Hotel and Mall Ternate

Muara Hotel and Mall Ternate

  Muara Hotel and Mall Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (12 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Muara Hotel and Mall Ternate is located at Jalan Merdeka no 19 Ternate - Maluku Utara 97724 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 27 - 41 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Image from The Batik Hotel

The Batik Hotel

  The Batik Hotel is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The The Batik Hotel is located at Jalan Kapittan Patimura, Stadion, Ternate Tengah, Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Emerald Hotel

Emerald Hotel

  Emerald Hotel is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Emerald Hotel is located at Jl. Branjangan 28 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Dragon Palace Hotel by Amazing

Dragon Palace Hotel by Amazing

  Dragon Palace Hotel by Amazing is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Dragon Palace Hotel by Amazing is located at Jl. Yos Sudarso, Kampung Maliaro, Kec. Ternate Tengah, Maliaro, Ternate Tengah, Maluku Utara in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Hotel Ayu Lestari Ternate

Hotel Ayu Lestari Ternate

  Hotel Ayu Lestari Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Hotel Ayu Lestari Ternate is located at Jl. Bastiong Ferry Port No.1, Bastiong Karance in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Sahid Bela Ternate

Sahid Bela Ternate

  Sahid Bela Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Sahid Bela Ternate is located at Jl. Raya Jati No. 500, Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia in Sofifi, Indonesia. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Image from Saruma Institute

Saruma Institute

  Saruma Institute is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Saruma Institute is located at Kelurahan Soa Puncak Kecamatan Ternate Utara , Ternate Utara, Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia, 97725 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from Hotel Grand Tabona Ternate

Hotel Grand Tabona Ternate

  Hotel Grand Tabona Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (13 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The Hotel Grand Tabona Ternate is located at Jl. Tugu Maku Gawene, Kayu Merah, Kec. Ternate Sel., Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara, 97717 in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Image from RedDoorz Plus Grand Tabona Hotel Ternate

RedDoorz Plus Grand Tabona Hotel Ternate

  RedDoorz Plus Grand Tabona Hotel Ternate is located approx. 8 miles (14 km) from Sofifi downtown area. The RedDoorz Plus Grand Tabona Hotel Ternate is located at Jalan Tugu Maku Gawene in Sofifi, Indonesia. Read more and book...

Search & find cheap hotels in Sofifi

Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Indonesia. Find and book cheap hotels in Sofifi for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Indonesia from the big chains and sites. Airports nearby are Ternate Airport (9 miles). Stay well and affordably throughout Indonesia with a good standard.