
Compare prices and book hotels at Nevatim Air Base

The cheapest hotels at Nevatim Air Base and the surrounding area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels near Nevatim Air Base online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains at Nevatim Air Base. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels near Nevatim Air Base, you have found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Nevatim Air Base hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Nevatim Air Base

Inbar Hotel

  Inbar Hotel is located approx. 7 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Inbar Hotel is located at Yehuda St. 38 in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 65 - 97 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Leonardo Hotel Negev

  Leonardo Hotel Negev is located approx. 8 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Leonardo Hotel Negev is located at 4 Henrietta Sold Street in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 180 - 270 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Aladdin Hotel Beer Sheva

  Aladdin Hotel Beer Sheva is located approx. 9 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Aladdin Hotel Beer Sheva is located at Ha'atzmaut 25, Beer Sheva, 8420229 in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 57 - 85 dollars / night. Read more and book...

The Negev Hotel By Domus

  The Negev Hotel By Domus is located approx. 9 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The The Negev Hotel By Domus is located at 26 Ha'atzmaut st in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Read more and book...

Desert Iris Hotel

  Desert Iris Hotel is located approx. 10 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Desert Iris Hotel is located at Tsvi Bornstein Street 108 in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 105 - 157 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Bat Sheva Jerusalem by Jacob Hotel

  Bat Sheva Jerusalem by Jacob Hotel is located approx. 12 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Bat Sheva Jerusalem by Jacob Hotel is located at King George St 42, Jerusalem, Israel in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Read more and book...

Isrotel Ganim Hotel Dead Sea

  Isrotel Ganim Hotel Dead Sea is located approx. 12 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Isrotel Ganim Hotel Dead Sea is located at M.P Ein Bokek, Dead Sea in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 164 - 246 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Leonardo Inn Hotel Dead Sea

  Leonardo Inn Hotel Dead Sea is located approx. 12 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Leonardo Inn Hotel Dead Sea is located at Dead Sea in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 118 - 176 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Daniel Dead Sea Hotel

  Daniel Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Daniel Dead Sea Hotel is located at Ein Bokek in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 186 - 278 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Oasis Dead Sea Hotel

  Oasis Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Oasis Dead Sea Hotel is located at Ein Bokek Dead Sea in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 153 - 229 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Isrotel Dead Sea Hotel

  Isrotel Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Isrotel Dead Sea Hotel is located at Ein Bokek in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 240 - 360 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Milos Hotel Dead Sea

  Milos Hotel Dead Sea is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Milos Hotel Dead Sea is located at Ein Bokek in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Read more and book...

David Dead Sea Resort & Spa

  David Dead Sea Resort & Spa is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The David Dead Sea Resort & Spa is located at Mobile Post in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 119 - 179 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hodhamidbar Resort and Spa Hotel

  Hodhamidbar Resort and Spa Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Hodhamidbar Resort and Spa Hotel is located at On The Dead Sea Shore in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 157 - 235 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Vert Dead Sea Hotel

  Vert Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Vert Dead Sea Hotel is located at Ein Bokek in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Read more and book...

Leonardo Plaza Dead Sea Hotel

  Leonardo Plaza Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Leonardo Plaza Dead Sea Hotel is located at Ein Bokek, Neve Zohar in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 226 - 340 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Herods Dead Sea Hotel

  Herods Dead Sea Hotel is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Herods Dead Sea Hotel is located at Neve Zohar in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 198 - 296 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea All Inclusive

  Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea All Inclusive is located approx. 13 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Leonardo Club Hotel Dead Sea All Inclusive is located at Mobile Post Dead Sea in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Cheapest prices from about 271 - 407 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ein Gedi Kibbutz Hotel

  Ein Gedi Kibbutz Hotel is located approx. 17 miles from Nevatim Air Base. The Ein Gedi Kibbutz Hotel is located at Kibbutz Ein Gedi in Nevatim Air Base, Israel. Read more and book...

Search & find cheap Nevatim Air Base hotels

Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. near Nevatim Air Base. Find and book cheap hotels near Nevatim Air Base for conferences, holidays, activities, overnight stays, bathing, accommodation, weddings, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation near Nevatim Air Base from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Israel with a good standard.