
Compare prices and book hotels in Avvocata

The cheapest hotels in Avvocata and the Avvocata area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Avvocata online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Avvocata. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Avvocata, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Avvocata hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Avvocata

B & B Colori e Note

  B & B Colori e Note is located approx. 60 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The B & B Colori e Note is located at Via Amato di Montecassino, 11 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

My Seagull

  My Seagull is located approx. 240 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The My Seagull is located at Vicoletto San Mandato 25/c in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Correra 241 Lifestyle Hotel

  Correra 241 Lifestyle Hotel is located approx. 420 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Correra 241 Lifestyle Hotel is located at Via Francesco Saverio Correra 241 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Belle Arti Resort

  Belle Arti Resort is located approx. 530 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Belle Arti Resort is located at Via Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, 27, 80138 Napoli NA, Italy in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Costantinopoli 104

  Costantinopoli 104 is located approx. 560 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Costantinopoli 104 is located at Via S. Maria Di Costantinopoli 104 in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 58 - 88 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Dante Maison de Charme

  Dante Maison de Charme is located approx. 560 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Dante Maison de Charme is located at 64 Via Tarsia in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Dante Maison De Luxe

  Dante Maison De Luxe is located approx. 570 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Dante Maison De Luxe is located at 64 Via Tarsia in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Dante Maison de Prestige

  Dante Maison de Prestige is located approx. 570 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Dante Maison de Prestige is located at 64 Via Tarsia in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

B & ampB Tecla

  B & ampB Tecla is located approx. 580 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The B & ampB Tecla is located at Piazzetta Bianchi allo Spirito Santo 10, Naples, 80134, Campania, Italy in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Villa Elisio Hotel & Spa

  Villa Elisio Hotel & Spa is located approx. 600 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Villa Elisio Hotel & Spa is located at Via Luca Samuele Cagnazzi 29 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Le 4 Stagioni Dante's Suites H Napoli Centro

  Le 4 Stagioni Dante's Suites H Napoli Centro is located approx. 610 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Le 4 Stagioni Dante's Suites H Napoli Centro is located at Vico Carceri San Felice 13 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Lanfipe Palace

  Lanfipe Palace is located approx. 630 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Lanfipe Palace is located at via Toledo in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Le 4 Stagioni Napoli Centro B & B

  Le 4 Stagioni Napoli Centro B & B is located approx. 630 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Le 4 Stagioni Napoli Centro B & B is located at Via Toledo 16.Check-In:Vico Dei Pezzi, 25, in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Di Palma Suite Capodimonte

  Di Palma Suite Capodimonte is located approx. 660 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Di Palma Suite Capodimonte is located at Corso Amedeo di Savoia Duca D'Aosta 214 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Villa Elisio Hotel & amp Spa

  Villa Elisio Hotel & amp Spa is located approx. 670 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Villa Elisio Hotel & amp Spa is located at 29 Via Luca Samuele Cagnazzi, \N, Naples, 80136, Campania, Italy in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

I Tetti di Sant'Anna

  I Tetti di Sant'Anna is located approx. 690 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The I Tetti di Sant'Anna is located at Via Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, 10 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Neapolis

  Hotel Neapolis is located approx. 710 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Hotel Neapolis is located at Via Francesco del Giudice 13 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Maison Degas

  Hotel Maison Degas is located approx. 750 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Hotel Maison Degas is located at 53 Calata Trinity Maggiore in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 65 - 97 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Relais Della Porta

  Relais Della Porta is located approx. 780 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Relais Della Porta is located at Via Toledo 368, piano III in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel

  Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel is located approx. 780 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel is located at Via Benedetto Croce 23 in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 190 - 284 dollars / night. Read more and book...

San Francesco al Monte

  San Francesco al Monte is located approx. 830 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The San Francesco al Monte is located at Corso Vittorio Emanuele 328 in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 152 - 228 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Boutique Hotel PIazza Charity

  Boutique Hotel PIazza Charity is located approx. 840 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Boutique Hotel PIazza Charity is located at Piazza Carita, 32 in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 98 - 148 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Schiara Guest House

  Schiara Guest House is located approx. 840 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Schiara Guest House is located at Vico Luigi Volpicelli 20 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Ecumano Space

  Ecumano Space is located approx. 840 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Ecumano Space is located at Vico Pallonetto Santa Chiara 17/18 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Europeo and Flowers

  Hotel Europeo and Flowers is located approx. 870 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Hotel Europeo and Flowers is located at Via Mezzocannone, 109/C in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 41 - 61 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Decumani Hotel De Charme

  Decumani Hotel De Charme is located approx. 890 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Decumani Hotel De Charme is located at 15 Via S. Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Decumani Hotel De Charme

  Decumani Hotel De Charme is located approx. 900 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Decumani Hotel De Charme is located at Via San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 15 in Avvocata, Italy. Read more and book...

Culture Hotel Centro Storico

  Culture Hotel Centro Storico is located approx. 920 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Culture Hotel Centro Storico is located at 15 Monteoliveto Street in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 86 - 130 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Grand Hotel Capodimonte

  Grand Hotel Capodimonte is located approx. 930 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Grand Hotel Capodimonte is located at Via Capodimonte 3 in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 54 - 82 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Toledo Hotel

  Toledo Hotel is located approx. 940 yards from Avvocata downtown area. The Toledo Hotel is located at 15 Montecalvario Street in Avvocata, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 61 - 91 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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