
Compare prices and book hotels in Matera

The cheapest hotels in Matera and the Matera area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Matera online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Matera. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Matera, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Matera hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Matera

Piazza Mulino 26

  Piazza Mulino 26 is located approx. 20 yards from Matera downtown area. The Piazza Mulino 26 is located at Piazza Mulino 26 Matera in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Palazzo della Fontana

  Palazzo della Fontana is located approx. 80 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzo della Fontana is located at Via Luigi La Vista, 14 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel San Domenico Al Piano

  Hotel San Domenico Al Piano is located approx. 90 yards from Matera downtown area. The Hotel San Domenico Al Piano is located at Via Roma 15 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Locanda Di San Martino Hotel & Thermae Romanae

  Locanda Di San Martino Hotel & Thermae Romanae is located approx. 210 yards from Matera downtown area. The Locanda Di San Martino Hotel & Thermae Romanae is located at Via Fiorentini 71 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 211 - 317 dollars / night. Read more and book...

La Suite Matera Hotel & Spa

  La Suite Matera Hotel & Spa is located approx. 220 yards from Matera downtown area. The La Suite Matera Hotel & Spa is located at 137 Via Lucana in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Albergo Italia

  Albergo Italia is located approx. 280 yards from Matera downtown area. The Albergo Italia is located at Via Ridola 5 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 83 - 125 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Albergo Del Sedile

  Albergo Del Sedile is located approx. 290 yards from Matera downtown area. The Albergo Del Sedile is located at Recinto del Sedile 4 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 105 - 157 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Sassi

  Hotel Sassi is located approx. 300 yards from Matera downtown area. The Hotel Sassi is located at Via San Giovanni Vecchio 89 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

La Casa Di Lucio Hotel Relais

  La Casa Di Lucio Hotel Relais is located approx. 320 yards from Matera downtown area. The La Casa Di Lucio Hotel Relais is located at Via San Pietro Caveoso 66 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Palazzotto Residence & Winery

  Palazzotto Residence & Winery is located approx. 330 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzotto Residence & Winery is located at Via Sette Dolori, 39 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 110 - 164 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Residence San Giorgio

  Hotel Residence San Giorgio is located approx. 350 yards from Matera downtown area. The Hotel Residence San Giorgio is located at Via Fiorentini 259 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 100 - 150 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Palazzo Degli Abati

  Palazzo Degli Abati is located approx. 360 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzo Degli Abati is located at Via San Pietro Barisano 27 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 110 - 164 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Caveoso Hotel

  Caveoso Hotel is located approx. 360 yards from Matera downtown area. The Caveoso Hotel is located at Piazza San Pietro Caveoso in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 82 - 124 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Cinque Elementi Sassi Matera

  Cinque Elementi Sassi Matera is located approx. 380 yards from Matera downtown area. The Cinque Elementi Sassi Matera is located at Via Santa Cesarea 30 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Palazzo Gattini Luxury Hotel

  Palazzo Gattini Luxury Hotel is located approx. 390 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzo Gattini Luxury Hotel is located at Piazza Duomo, 13/14 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 221 - 331 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel La Casa Di Lucio

  Hotel La Casa Di Lucio is located approx. 400 yards from Matera downtown area. The Hotel La Casa Di Lucio is located at Piazza San Pietro Caveoso in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 216 - 324 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Palazzo Del Duca Luxury Hotel

  Palazzo Del Duca Luxury Hotel is located approx. 400 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzo Del Duca Luxury Hotel is located at Via Muro 45 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 125 - 187 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Corte San Pietro

  Corte San Pietro is located approx. 400 yards from Matera downtown area. The Corte San Pietro is located at Via B. Buozzi 97 B in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 120 - 180 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Quarry Resort

  Quarry Resort is located approx. 420 yards from Matera downtown area. The Quarry Resort is located at Via San Giacomo in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Sant'Angelo Luxury Resort NEW

  Sant'Angelo Luxury Resort NEW is located approx. 420 yards from Matera downtown area. The Sant'Angelo Luxury Resort NEW is located at Via San Giacomo in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Cenobio Hotel

  Cenobio Hotel is located approx. 430 yards from Matera downtown area. The Cenobio Hotel is located at 10 Via Civita in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Palazzo Viceconte

  Palazzo Viceconte is located approx. 440 yards from Matera downtown area. The Palazzo Viceconte is located at Via San Potito 7 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 202 - 304 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita Hotel

  Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita Hotel is located approx. 440 yards from Matera downtown area. The Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita Hotel is located at 28, Civita Street in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 235 - 353 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Aquatio Cave Luxury Hotel & SPA

  Aquatio Cave Luxury Hotel & SPA is located approx. 460 yards from Matera downtown area. The Aquatio Cave Luxury Hotel & SPA is located at Via Conche in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Il Carrubo residenza Walk & Stay

  Il Carrubo residenza Walk & Stay is located approx. 500 yards from Matera downtown area. The Il Carrubo residenza Walk & Stay is located at Via San Potito 18/23 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Basiliani Hotel

  Basiliani Hotel is located approx. 510 yards from Matera downtown area. The Basiliani Hotel is located at Rione Casalnuovo 115 (Piazza San Pietro Caveoso) in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 106 - 158 dollars / night. Read more and book...

La Pergola ai Sassi

  La Pergola ai Sassi is located approx. 580 yards from Matera downtown area. The La Pergola ai Sassi is located at Vico 1 Casalnuovo 49 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Il Belvedere

  Il Belvedere is located approx. 630 yards from Matera downtown area. The Il Belvedere is located at Via Casalnuovo 133 in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 60 - 90 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Chiostro Delle Cererie

  Chiostro Delle Cererie is located approx. 680 yards from Matera downtown area. The Chiostro Delle Cererie is located at Via Cererie 16 in Matera, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Nazionale

  Hotel Nazionale is located approx. 880 yards from Matera downtown area. The Hotel Nazionale is located at Via Nazionale 158/A in Matera, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 74 - 110 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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