
Compare prices and book hotels in Palermo

The cheapest hotels in Palermo and the Palermo area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Palermo online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Palermo. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Palermo, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Palermo hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Palermo

Hotel Principe di Lampedusa

  Hotel Principe di Lampedusa is located approx. 50 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Principe di Lampedusa is located at Piazza Cassa di Risparmio n.17 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Hostel Agata

  Hostel Agata is located approx. 70 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hostel Agata is located at Via Roma 188 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa

  Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa is located approx. 90 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa is located at Via Dei Cartari 18 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 97 - 145 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel 38 AIRA

  Hotel 38 AIRA is located approx. 110 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel 38 AIRA is located at Via Roma, 276 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

B & B Hotels Hotel Palermo Quattro Canti

  B & B Hotels Hotel Palermo Quattro Canti is located approx. 120 yards from Palermo downtown area. The B & B Hotels Hotel Palermo Quattro Canti is located at Via Vittorio Emanuele, 291 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Quintocanto Hotel & Spa

  Quintocanto Hotel & Spa is located approx. 170 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Quintocanto Hotel & Spa is located at Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 310 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 184 - 276 dollars / night. Read more and book...

La Serenissima Hotel

  La Serenissima Hotel is located approx. 180 yards from Palermo downtown area. The La Serenissima Hotel is located at Via dei Cassari in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Eurostars Centrale Palace Hotel

  Eurostars Centrale Palace Hotel is located approx. 190 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Eurostars Centrale Palace Hotel is located at Via Vittorio Emanuele, 327 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 86 - 130 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Ambasciatori

  Hotel Ambasciatori is located approx. 190 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Ambasciatori is located at Via Roma 111 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 102 - 152 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Palazzo Sitano

  Palazzo Sitano is located approx. 200 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Palazzo Sitano is located at Via Vittorio Emanuele, 114 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 62 - 94 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Dimora bellini

  Dimora bellini is located approx. 230 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Dimora bellini is located at Via Maqueda 272 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Columbia

  Hotel Columbia is located approx. 240 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Columbia is located at Via Del Celso 31 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 36 - 54 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Concordia

  Hotel Concordia is located approx. 310 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Concordia is located at Via Roma 72 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Del Centro

  Hotel Del Centro is located approx. 310 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Del Centro is located at 72 Roma Street in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 52 - 78 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Posta

  Hotel Posta is located approx. 320 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Posta is located at Via Antonio Gagini 77 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 65 - 97 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Palazzo del Poeta

  Palazzo del Poeta is located approx. 330 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Palazzo del Poeta is located at via seminario Italo Albanese 20, Palermo in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Palazzo Natoli Boutique Hotel

  Palazzo Natoli Boutique Hotel is located approx. 330 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Palazzo Natoli Boutique Hotel is located at Via Santissimo Salvatore 6 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Palazzo Brunaccini

  Hotel Palazzo Brunaccini is located approx. 350 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Palazzo Brunaccini is located at 9 Piazzetta Lucrezia Brunaccini in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 143 - 215 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Teatro Massimo Apartments

  Teatro Massimo Apartments is located approx. 380 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Teatro Massimo Apartments is located at Via Orologio 31 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Massimo Plaza Hotel

  Massimo Plaza Hotel is located approx. 410 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Massimo Plaza Hotel is located at Via Maqueda 437 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 157 - 235 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Casa Nostra Boutique Hotel

  Casa Nostra Boutique Hotel is located approx. 430 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Casa Nostra Boutique Hotel is located at 134 Via Sant'Agostino in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Casa Nostra Luxury Suites

  Casa Nostra Luxury Suites is located approx. 430 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Casa Nostra Luxury Suites is located at 134 Via Sant'Agostino in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Albergo Cavour

  Albergo Cavour is located approx. 440 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Albergo Cavour is located at Via Alessandro Manzoni 11 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 54 - 80 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Lincoln Suite

  Lincoln Suite is located approx. 470 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Lincoln Suite is located at Via Lincoln 161 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Art Lincoln Palermo

  Art Lincoln Palermo is located approx. 480 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Art Lincoln Palermo is located at Via Lincoln 161 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Porta Felice & Spa

  Hotel Porta Felice & Spa is located approx. 480 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Porta Felice & Spa is located at Via Butera, 35/47 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 157 - 235 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Porta Felice

  Hotel Porta Felice is located approx. 490 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Porta Felice is located at Via Butera, 45 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Giulio Cesare 14 Residence

  Giulio Cesare 14 Residence is located approx. 500 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Giulio Cesare 14 Residence is located at 14 Piazza Giulio Cesare in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Giulio Cesare Suites

  Giulio Cesare Suites is located approx. 500 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Giulio Cesare Suites is located at Piazza Giulio Cesare 14 in Palermo, Italy. Read more and book...

Hotel Mediterraneo

  Hotel Mediterraneo is located approx. 530 yards from Palermo downtown area. The Hotel Mediterraneo is located at Via Rosolino Pilo 43 in Palermo, Italy. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Italy. Find and book cheap hotels in Palermo for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Italy from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Italy with a good standard.