
Compare prices and book hotels in Al Mafraq

The cheapest hotels in Al Mafraq and the Al Mafraq area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Al Mafraq online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Al Mafraq. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Al Mafraq, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Al Mafraq hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Al Mafraq

Ajnadeen Hotel

  Ajnadeen Hotel is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Ajnadeen Hotel is located at Al Amir Hassan Street- North of Alnaseem Traffic light in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

Sara Crown Hotel

  Sara Crown Hotel is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Sara Crown Hotel is located at Al Naseem traffic light in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

Irbid Plaza

  Irbid Plaza is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Irbid Plaza is located at university street in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

Sedrh Hotel

  Sedrh Hotel is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Sedrh Hotel is located at Irbid - University Street - beside social security corporation in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 55 - 83 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Seven Days Hotel

  Seven Days Hotel is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Seven Days Hotel is located at University Avenue, next to Al Yarmouk University in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 44 - 66 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Al Joude Hotel

  Al Joude Hotel is located approx. 15 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Al Joude Hotel is located at Al Jamaa street in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

flamingo hotel irbid

  flamingo hotel irbid is located approx. 16 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The flamingo hotel irbid is located at JORDAN IRBID 21110 BOX 536 in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

Lijam Hotel

  Lijam Hotel is located approx. 17 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Lijam Hotel is located at Al-Arab Street in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

Ajloun Hotel

  Ajloun Hotel is located approx. 17 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Ajloun Hotel is located at Al Rabadh Castle Street in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 24 - 36 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ream Hotel

  Ream Hotel is located approx. 18 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Ream Hotel is located at Al Jubaiha in front of Higher council of education in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Al Nojoom Int'L Hotel

  Al Nojoom Int'L Hotel is located approx. 19 miles from Al Mafraq downtown area. The Al Nojoom Int'L Hotel is located at Sarh Al Shaheed in Al Mafraq, Jordan. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Jordan. Find and book cheap hotels in Al Mafraq for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Jordan from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Jordan with a good standard.