
Compare prices and book hotels in Aqaba

The cheapest hotels in Aqaba and the Aqaba area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Aqaba online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Aqaba. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Aqaba, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Aqaba hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Aqaba

Twins Boutique Hotel

  Twins Boutique Hotel is located approx. 130 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Twins Boutique Hotel is located at King Talal Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Weekend Hotel Aqaba

  Weekend Hotel Aqaba is located approx. 190 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Weekend Hotel Aqaba is located at Prince Mohammad Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Baity Boutique Hotel

  Baity Boutique Hotel is located approx. 200 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Baity Boutique Hotel is located at Prince Mohammad Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Yacht Hotel

  Yacht Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Yacht Hotel is located at Al-Batraa Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Turquoise Hotel

  Turquoise Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Turquoise Hotel is located at Prince Mohammad Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Amir Palace Hotel Aqaba

  Amir Palace Hotel Aqaba is located approx. 280 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Amir Palace Hotel Aqaba is located at Al Batra Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 34 - 50 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Casablanca furnished hotel

  Casablanca furnished hotel is located approx. 310 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Casablanca furnished hotel is located at At Tabari in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Jardaneh Hotel

  Jardaneh Hotel is located approx. 330 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Jardaneh Hotel is located at Aqaba Haya Circle - beside DHL in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Maswada Plaza Hotel

  Maswada Plaza Hotel is located approx. 360 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Maswada Plaza Hotel is located at Princes Haya Rounabout in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Al Zaitouna Hotel

  Al Zaitouna Hotel is located approx. 370 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Al Zaitouna Hotel is located at Al Hammamat street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 41 - 61 dollars / night. Read more and book...

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Aqaba

  DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Aqaba is located approx. 390 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Aqaba is located at Al-Hammamat Al-Tunisyya Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 121 - 181 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Sea Beach Hotel

  Sea Beach Hotel is located approx. 390 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Sea Beach Hotel is located at Maain St, Aqaba, Jordan in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Nairoukh Hotel Aqaba

  Nairoukh Hotel Aqaba is located approx. 400 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Nairoukh Hotel Aqaba is located at King Hussein Street 4 in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Tala Bay Apartment Rentals

  Tala Bay Apartment Rentals is located approx. 410 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Tala Bay Apartment Rentals is located at 777 South Beach Road in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Ahla Tala Hotel

  Ahla Tala Hotel is located approx. 430 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Ahla Tala Hotel is located at Corniche Street - Aqaba in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Al Riyati For Hotel Apartments

  Al Riyati For Hotel Apartments is located approx. 440 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Al Riyati For Hotel Apartments is located at Saada Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Golden Tulip Aqaba Hotel

  Golden Tulip Aqaba Hotel is located approx. 460 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Golden Tulip Aqaba Hotel is located at Al Saada Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 40 - 60 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Alqidra Hotel & Suites Aqaba

  Alqidra Hotel & Suites Aqaba is located approx. 480 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Alqidra Hotel & Suites Aqaba is located at City Centre, Alsaada st. in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Raed Hotel Suites

  Raed Hotel Suites is located approx. 480 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Raed Hotel Suites is located at Al Saadah Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 56 - 84 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Captains Hotel

  Captains Hotel is located approx. 490 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Captains Hotel is located at Al Sa Adeh Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Days Inn Hotel & Suites Aqaba

  Days Inn Hotel & Suites Aqaba is located approx. 510 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Days Inn Hotel & Suites Aqaba is located at Al Saada Street, Hotels Area in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 50 - 76 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Aquavista Hotel & Suites

  Aquavista Hotel & Suites is located approx. 540 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Aquavista Hotel & Suites is located at Aqaba Hotels Area, Al Nahda Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 57 - 85 dollars / night. Read more and book...

My Hotel

  My Hotel is located approx. 540 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The My Hotel is located at Al Nahda Street in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 56 - 84 dollars / night. Read more and book...

La Riva Hotel

  La Riva Hotel is located approx. 750 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The La Riva Hotel is located at Lariva Hotel , King Hussein Street, Hafayer Park in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

Al Manara a Luxury Collection Hotel Saraya Aqaba

  Al Manara a Luxury Collection Hotel Saraya Aqaba is located approx. 1070 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Al Manara a Luxury Collection Hotel Saraya Aqaba is located at Al Hashemi Street, King Hussein Road P.O.Box 1968 in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 315 - 473 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Oryx Hotel Aqaba

  Oryx Hotel Aqaba is located approx. 1160 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Oryx Hotel Aqaba is located at Al Sharif Shakir Bin Zayd Street, in Aqaba, Jordan. Cheapest prices from about 124 - 186 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort

  Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort is located approx. 2060 yards from Aqaba downtown area. The Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort is located at Ayla Oasis, PO Box 2303 in Aqaba, Jordan. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Jordan. Find and book cheap hotels in Aqaba for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Jordan from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Jordan with a good standard.