
Compare prices and book hotels in Rabat

The cheapest hotels in Rabat and the Rabat area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Rabat online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Rabat. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Rabat, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Rabat hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Rabat

Studio Vue Avenue Mohamed V

  Studio Vue Avenue Mohamed V is located approx. 20 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Studio Vue Avenue Mohamed V is located at Ave Mohammed V in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Hotel Le Musee

  Hotel Le Musee is located approx. 190 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Le Musee is located at Rue Benghazi in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 69 - 103 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Le Pietri

  Le Pietri is located approx. 240 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Le Pietri is located at 4, Rue Tobrouk in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 103 - 155 dollars / night. Read more and book...

ONOMO Hotel Rabat Terminus

  ONOMO Hotel Rabat Terminus is located approx. 250 yards from Rabat downtown area. The ONOMO Hotel Rabat Terminus is located at 286, Avenue Mohamed V in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 82 - 124 dollars / night. Read more and book...

NJ Hotel Rabat

  NJ Hotel Rabat is located approx. 260 yards from Rabat downtown area. The NJ Hotel Rabat is located at Boulevard Moulay Youssef, 63 Hassan in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Majliss Hotel

  Majliss Hotel is located approx. 360 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Majliss Hotel is located at 6, Rue Zahla in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 60 - 90 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Eva House

  Eva House is located approx. 370 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Eva House is located at 10 Avenue Moulay Abdellah in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Belere Hotel Rabat

  Belere Hotel Rabat is located approx. 440 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Belere Hotel Rabat is located at 33 Avenue Moulay Youssef in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 66 - 98 dollars / night. Read more and book...

ONOMO Hotel Rabat Medina

  ONOMO Hotel Rabat Medina is located approx. 490 yards from Rabat downtown area. The ONOMO Hotel Rabat Medina is located at 2, rue Ghandi, Hassan in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 69 - 103 dollars / night. Read more and book...

La Tour Hassan Palace

  La Tour Hassan Palace is located approx. 510 yards from Rabat downtown area. The La Tour Hassan Palace is located at 26, Rue Chellah. in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 242 - 362 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Rive Hotel

  Rive Hotel is located approx. 580 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Rive Hotel is located at Avenue d'alger , 1 rue tindouf , quartier hassan . in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 91 - 137 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Malak Hotel

  Malak Hotel is located approx. 640 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Malak Hotel is located at 23 Rue Chellah, Place Melilia, Hassan in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 62 - 94 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Rihab Hotel

  Rihab Hotel is located approx. 660 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Rihab Hotel is located at 45, Av Moulay Ismail, Quartier Hassan in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Hotel Le Diwan Rabat MGallery

  Hotel Le Diwan Rabat MGallery is located approx. 660 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Le Diwan Rabat MGallery is located at Place de l'Unite Africaine in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 108 - 162 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Mercure Rabat Sheherazade

  Hotel Mercure Rabat Sheherazade is located approx. 760 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Mercure Rabat Sheherazade is located at 21 Rue de Tunis Quartier Hassan in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 71 - 107 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Bouregreg

  Hotel Bouregreg is located approx. 820 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Bouregreg is located at Angle Avenue Hassan Ii Et Rue Nador, 69 in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Rabat Marriott Hotel

  Rabat Marriott Hotel is located approx. 1020 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Rabat Marriott Hotel is located at Avenue Inaouin, Arribat Center Agdal in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Farah Rabat

  Farah Rabat is located approx. 1040 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Farah Rabat is located at Place Sidi Makhlouf in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Hotel Oscar

  Hotel Oscar is located approx. 1060 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Oscar is located at 429, Avenue Hassan 2 in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Dar El Kbira

  Dar El Kbira is located approx. 1170 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Dar El Kbira is located at in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Résidence Dayt Ifrah by Rent Inn

  Résidence Dayt Ifrah by Rent Inn is located approx. 1280 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Résidence Dayt Ifrah by Rent Inn is located at Rue Dayet Ifrah, Agdal Riyad, Rabat in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

First Suites Hotel

  First Suites Hotel is located approx. 1320 yards from Rabat downtown area. The First Suites Hotel is located at imm 4 angle avenue de francs et rue oued ziz agdal in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Smarts Hotel

  Smarts Hotel is located approx. 1330 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Smarts Hotel is located at 35 Rue Azegza in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 70 - 106 dollars / night. Read more and book...

atlas résidence by rent inn

  atlas résidence by rent inn is located approx. 1400 yards from Rabat downtown area. The atlas résidence by rent inn is located at 78 Rue Oued Sebou in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Hotel Atlantic Agdal

  Hotel Atlantic Agdal is located approx. 1580 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hotel Atlantic Agdal is located at N°20 Avenue Al Atlas in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 122 - 184 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Gardenia Boutique Hotel

  Gardenia Boutique Hotel is located approx. 1600 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Gardenia Boutique Hotel is located at 23 Avenue Al Atlas in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Dawliz Resort & Spa

  Dawliz Resort & Spa is located approx. 1650 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Dawliz Resort & Spa is located at Avenue Du Prince Héritier in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Sofitel Rabat Jardin Des Roses Hotel

  Sofitel Rabat Jardin Des Roses Hotel is located approx. 1760 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Sofitel Rabat Jardin Des Roses Hotel is located at Avenue Imam Malek Impasse Souissi in Rabat, Morocco. Cheapest prices from about 236 - 354 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hilton Rabat

  Hilton Rabat is located approx. 1770 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Hilton Rabat is located at PO Box 450 Souissi in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

Flower Town Hotel & Spa

  Flower Town Hotel & Spa is located approx. 1790 yards from Rabat downtown area. The Flower Town Hotel & Spa is located at 20 Avenue Michlifen in Rabat, Morocco. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in Morocco. Find and book cheap hotels in Rabat for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in Morocco from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout Morocco with a good standard.