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Compare prices and book hotels at Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport
The cheapest hotels at Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport and the surrounding area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels near Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains at Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels near Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, you have found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport hotels on the Internet.
Popular hotels among guests in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport
Popular hotels near Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport

Pullman Mandalay Mingalar
Pullman Mandalay Mingalar is located approx. 330 yards (300 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Pullman Mandalay Mingalar is located at 73rd Street Between Tha Zin And Ngu Shwe Wah Streets Chanmytharzi Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Read more and book...

The Prince Hotel Mandalay
The Prince Hotel Mandalay is located approx. 460 yards (420 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The The Prince Hotel Mandalay is located at Yangon - Mandalay Main Road in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Great Chan Hotel
Great Chan Hotel is located approx. 620 yards (570 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Great Chan Hotel is located at Salain-9/16, 73 Street, Between Khaing Shwe Wah Street and Manaw Hari Street, Myo Thit (2) , Chan Mya Tharsi in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 21 - 31 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Green Days Inn
Green Days Inn is located approx. 640 yards (590 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Green Days Inn is located at No. (9/29) , Mingalar Thiri Lane, Between 72nd and 73rd, Between Khaing Shwe Wah Street and Gaw Thazin Street, Chan Mhya Tharze Township, in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 14 - 20 dollars / night. Read more and book...

The Hotel 78
The Hotel 78 is located approx. 830 yards (760 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The The Hotel 78 is located at No.902, Corner of 78th Street and Theik Pan Street, Chan Mya Tharsi Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 36 - 54 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Wonderland
Hotel Wonderland is located approx. 1050 yards (960 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Wonderland is located at Shwe Hnin Si St, Between 68th & 69th, Chan Mya Thar Si Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Great Wall Hotel
Great Wall Hotel is located approx. 1060 yards (970 m) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Great Wall Hotel is located at 78th Street, Between 42nd Street and Theik Pan Street, Mandalay-Yangon Highway, +959 764766077 in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 56 - 84 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Wilson Hotel
Wilson Hotel is located approx. 1150 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Wilson Hotel is located at No31 (E) . Yangon Mandalay Main Road , Mandalay. Myanmar in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 56 - 84 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Paragon Hotel
Paragon Hotel is located approx. 1170 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Paragon Hotel is located at F-4/23, Bet 65th x 66th Street, Bet Zalat Wah & Khaing Shwe Wah Street, Chan Mya Thar Si Township. in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 28 - 42 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Myat Nan Taw Win
Hotel Myat Nan Taw Win is located approx. 1190 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Myat Nan Taw Win is located at Kywe Se Kan 5th Street +959797548314 in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 34 dollars / night. Read more and book...

City Grand Hotel
City Grand Hotel is located approx. 1360 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The City Grand Hotel is located at No.22, 66th Street, Between Theik Pan and 43rd Street in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Ye' Myanmar
Hotel Ye' Myanmar is located approx. 1370 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Ye' Myanmar is located at No (53-54) , Corner of 68th & 43rd Street, Mahar Aung Myay Township, in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 21 - 31 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Aung Myint Mo Hotel
Aung Myint Mo Hotel is located approx. 1450 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Aung Myint Mo Hotel is located at Corner of Yangon-Mandalay Road & Chan Mya Shwe Pyi Base Compound Street, Kywesekan in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 36 - 54 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Aung Gyi Soe Hotel
Aung Gyi Soe Hotel is located approx. 1490 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Aung Gyi Soe Hotel is located at 42nd Street, Bet 66th & 67th Street, Maharaungmyae Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 30 - 46 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Power Hotel
Power Hotel is located approx. 1590 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Power Hotel is located at No. 686, 80th st., 39th x 40th st., in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Ritz Grand Hotel
Ritz Grand Hotel is located approx. 1610 yards (1 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Ritz Grand Hotel is located at 42nd Street, Between 60th & 62th Street in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Read more and book...

Win Star Hotel
Win Star Hotel is located approx. 1650 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Win Star Hotel is located at No 77, 41 Street , Bet 83 & 84 Street: in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Night Sweet Hotel
Night Sweet Hotel is located approx. 1720 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Night Sweet Hotel is located at Da-2/7, Corner of 66 Street x 40 Street, Mahamyaing 1, Maha Aung Myae Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Amayar Nadi Hotel (Mandalay)
Amayar Nadi Hotel (Mandalay) is located approx. 1780 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Amayar Nadi Hotel (Mandalay) is located at No. (Za-7) , Corner of 60th Street & (Ngu Shwe War - Aung San) Road, in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 38 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Grand Park Hotel
Grand Park Hotel is located approx. 1790 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Grand Park Hotel is located at No.348, 84th Street, Bet: 39th & 40th Street, in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Read more and book...

Hotel Mandalay
Hotel Mandalay is located approx. 1820 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Mandalay is located at No. (652) , 78th Road, Between 37th x 38th Street, Maharaungmyay Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 44 - 66 dollars / night. Read more and book...

New Tiger Hotel
New Tiger Hotel is located approx. 1850 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The New Tiger Hotel is located at 80St;Between37&38 in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Moe Thee
Hotel Moe Thee is located approx. 1910 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Moe Thee is located at No.257, 77th St, Between 36th St x 37th St, Hay Ma Malar North Quarter, Mahar Aung Myay Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 26 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Sanctuary Hotel
Sanctuary Hotel is located approx. 1960 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Sanctuary Hotel is located at 78th Street, 36th & 37th Street Maharaungmyay Township, Mandalay Myanmar in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 33 - 49 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Gold Leaf Hotel Mandalay
Gold Leaf Hotel Mandalay is located approx. 1980 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Gold Leaf Hotel Mandalay is located at 36th Street, Between 77th & 78th Street, Maha Aung Myay Township, Mandalay, Myanmar. in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 37 - 55 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Perfect Hotel
Perfect Hotel is located approx. 2040 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Perfect Hotel is located at Corner of 59 Street and Theikpan Street, Ye Mon Taung Quarter , Maha Aung Myay Township, Mandalay in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 24 - 36 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Duo Swan
Hotel Duo Swan is located approx. 2070 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Hotel Duo Swan is located at 37th Street, Between 66th x 67th, Mahaaungmyae Township in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 34 dollars / night. Read more and book...

King Park Hotel
King Park Hotel is located approx. 2080 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The King Park Hotel is located at No (41/43) , 72 Street, Between 33 & 34 Street, Chanaye Thar San Township , mandalay in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 34 dollars / night. Read more and book...

SUNRISE HOTEL is located approx. 2080 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The SUNRISE HOTEL is located at No. 195, 35th Street Between 77th a Maha Aung Myay Township Mandalay Myanmar in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Read more and book...

Yuan Sheng Hotel
Yuan Sheng Hotel is located approx. 2080 yards (2 km) from Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport. The Yuan Sheng Hotel is located at No.183, 35th Street, Bet 77th and 78th Street, Maharaungmyae Township, Mandalay. in Mandalay Chanmyathazi Airport, Myanmar. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...
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