
Compare prices and book hotels in Bitola

The cheapest hotels in Bitola and the Bitola area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Bitola online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Bitola. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Bitola, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Bitola hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Bitola

White and Wood Boutique Hotel

  White and Wood Boutique Hotel is located approx. 180 yards from Bitola downtown area. The White and Wood Boutique Hotel is located at 15 Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Millenium Palace

  Millenium Palace is located approx. 190 yards from Bitola downtown area. The Millenium Palace is located at Shirok Sokak, 46 in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Hotel Millenium

  Hotel Millenium is located approx. 200 yards from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Millenium is located at Marshal Tito 48 in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Epinal Spa & Casino

  Epinal Spa & Casino is located approx. 300 yards from Bitola downtown area. The Epinal Spa & Casino is located at 62 Shirok Sokak, in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...


  HOTEL EPINAL is located approx. 300 yards from Bitola downtown area. The HOTEL EPINAL is located at MARSHAL TITO BB in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Hotel Theatre

  Hotel Theatre is located approx. 480 yards from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Theatre is located at 35, Stiv Naumov Str. in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 20 - 30 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Kristal Palas

  Hotel Kristal Palas is located approx. 15 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Kristal Palas is located at Lenin 184 in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Hotel Pela

  Hotel Pela is located approx. 17 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Pela is located at Sveti Stefan BB in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 29 - 43 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Lebed

  Hotel Lebed is located approx. 17 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Lebed is located at Kej Makedonija 112 in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Millenium Palace

  Millenium Palace is located approx. 17 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Millenium Palace is located at Kej Marshal Tito BB in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 45 - 67 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hotel Granit

  Hotel Granit is located approx. 17 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Granit is located at Nas. St.Stefan B.B. in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 74 - 110 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Boutique Villa Arte

  Boutique Villa Arte is located approx. 17 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Boutique Villa Arte is located at 18 Slavej Planina Str. in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 28 - 42 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Park Lakeside Ohrid

  Park Lakeside Ohrid is located approx. 18 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Park Lakeside Ohrid is located at Naum Ohridski no. 10A in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Inex Olgica Hotel & SPA

  Inex Olgica Hotel & SPA is located approx. 18 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Inex Olgica Hotel & SPA is located at 7 Naum Ohridski str. in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 56 - 84 dollars / night. Read more and book...


  HOTEL INEX GORICA is located approx. 18 miles from Bitola downtown area. The HOTEL INEX GORICA is located at Naum Ohridski 5-7 Ohrid in Bitola, North Macedonia. Read more and book...

Hotel Cingo

  Hotel Cingo is located approx. 18 miles from Bitola downtown area. The Hotel Cingo is located at 3 Abas Emin str. in Bitola, North Macedonia. Cheapest prices from about 47 - 71 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. in North Macedonia. Find and book cheap hotels in Bitola for conference, holiday, activities, overnight stay, bath, accommodation, wedding, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation in North Macedonia from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout North Macedonia with a good standard.