
Compare prices and book hotels at Pohang Gyeongju Airport

The cheapest hotels at Pohang Gyeongju Airport and the surrounding area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels near Pohang Gyeongju Airport online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains at Pohang Gyeongju Airport. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels near Pohang Gyeongju Airport, you have found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Pohang Gyeongju Airport hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Pohang Gyeongju Airport

Pohang Ramong

  Pohang Ramong is located approx. 1510 yards from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Ramong is located at 61, Jungwon-ro, Ocheon-eup, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pohang five thousand Montana

  Pohang five thousand Montana is located approx. 1780 yards from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang five thousand Montana is located at 520, Jeongmongju-ro, Ocheon-eup, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Goodstay Eco Hotel

  Goodstay Eco Hotel is located approx. 2 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Goodstay Eco Hotel is located at 430, Posco-daero, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Benikea Hotel Pohang

  Benikea Hotel Pohang is located approx. 2 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Benikea Hotel Pohang is located at 416-6, Haedo-dong in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Cheapest prices from about 57 - 85 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Stay inn Hotel

  Stay inn Hotel is located approx. 2 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Stay inn Hotel is located at in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pohang Jukdo Dong A1

  Pohang Jukdo Dong A1 is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Jukdo Dong A1 is located at 58-5 Jukdo-dong, Buk-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Commodore Hotel Pohang

  Commodore Hotel Pohang is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Commodore Hotel Pohang is located at 311-2, Songdo-dong, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Appletree Hotel

  Appletree Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Appletree Hotel is located at 7-5, Jungheung-ro 100beon-gil, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pohang Sangdo XYM

  Pohang Sangdo XYM is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Sangdo XYM is located at 7-5, Jungheung-ro 70beon-gil, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Brown dot hotel Pohang Jukdo

  Brown dot hotel Pohang Jukdo is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Brown dot hotel Pohang Jukdo is located at 51, Jukdo-ro 40beon-gil in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

The 7 Hotel Pohang

  The 7 Hotel Pohang is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The The 7 Hotel Pohang is located at 7-4, Jungheung-ro 113beon-gil, Buk-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Max Motel

  Max Motel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Max Motel is located at 8-5, Jungheung-ro 61beon-gil, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pohang Pont Neuf

  Pohang Pont Neuf is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Pont Neuf is located at 19, Hope-daero 659beon-gil, Nam-gu, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Vallas Hotel & Guest House

  Vallas Hotel & Guest House is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Vallas Hotel & Guest House is located at 22, Saecheonnyeon-daero 434beon-gil, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pier 26 Hotel

  Pier 26 Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pier 26 Hotel is located at 6, Chilseong-ro 51beon-gil, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

No 25 Pohang Daejam

  No 25 Pohang Daejam is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The No 25 Pohang Daejam is located at 14, Saecheonnyeon-daero 434beon-gil, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Le IDE:A Hotel

  Le IDE:A Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Le IDE:A Hotel is located at 98-5, Chilseongcheon-gil, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...


  Le IDEA HOTEL is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Le IDEA HOTEL is located at 156-43 Jukdodong Bukgu Pohang in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Le Idea Hotel Pohang

  Le Idea Hotel Pohang is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Le Idea Hotel Pohang is located at 253-2, Jungang-ro, Buk-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Pohang Philos Hotel

  Pohang Philos Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Philos Hotel is located at 6, Jukpa-ro in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 68 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Pohang Sangwon dong Eila Hotel

  Pohang Sangwon dong Eila Hotel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Pohang Sangwon dong Eila Hotel is located at 3, Jungang-ro 294beon-gil, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Vallas Hotel & Guest House

  Vallas Hotel & Guest House is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Vallas Hotel & Guest House is located at 22, Saecheonnyeon-daero 434beon-gil, Nam-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Insta Ocean

  Insta Ocean is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Insta Ocean is located at 150, Samho-ro, Buk-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Star Motel

  Star Motel is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Star Motel is located at 3, Jungangsangga 6-gil, Buk-gu in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

Hotel A1

  Hotel A1 is located approx. 3 miles from Pohang Gyeongju Airport. The Hotel A1 is located at 323, Haedong-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do in Pohang Gyeongju Airport, South Korea. Read more and book...

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Our goal is to list the best hotel prices, offers, packages, hotel rooms, etc. near Pohang Gyeongju Airport. Find and book cheap hotels near Pohang Gyeongju Airport for conferences, holidays, activities, overnight stays, bathing, accommodation, weddings, accommodation, weekend etc. We list cheap accommodation near Pohang Gyeongju Airport from the big chains and sites. Stay well and affordably throughout South Korea with a good standard.