
Compare prices and book hotels in Da Nang

The cheapest hotels in Da Nang and the Da Nang area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Da Nang online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Da Nang. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Da Nang, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Da Nang hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Da Nang

Xuan Hung Hotel

  Xuan Hung Hotel is located approx. 60 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Xuan Hung Hotel is located at 56 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau, Da Nang in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 10 - 14 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Sanouva Danang Hotel

  Sanouva Danang Hotel is located approx. 80 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Sanouva Danang Hotel is located at 68 Phan Chau Trinh Street , Hai Chau District, Danang. in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 46 - 70 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Minh Anh Hotel Da Nang

  Minh Anh Hotel Da Nang is located approx. 100 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Minh Anh Hotel Da Nang is located at 17 Pham Phu Thu in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

HANZ Orient Hotel Da Nang

  HANZ Orient Hotel Da Nang is located approx. 120 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The HANZ Orient Hotel Da Nang is located at 97 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Danang in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 21 - 31 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hoang Dai Hotel Danang

  Hoang Dai Hotel Danang is located approx. 150 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Hoang Dai Hotel Danang is located at 7 Tran Binh Trong Street in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 14 - 22 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Da Nang Pacific Hotel

  Da Nang Pacific Hotel is located approx. 160 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Da Nang Pacific Hotel is located at 92 Phan Chu Trinh Street in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 12 - 18 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Mayana Hotel Danang

  Mayana Hotel Danang is located approx. 210 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Mayana Hotel Danang is located at 40 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street , Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 13 - 19 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Fulmar Hotel Danang

  Fulmar Hotel Danang is located approx. 210 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Fulmar Hotel Danang is located at 11 Yen Bai Street, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 10 - 16 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hadiva Boutique Hotel

  Hadiva Boutique Hotel is located approx. 220 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Hadiva Boutique Hotel is located at 137 Tran Phu in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Central Hotel & Spa Danang

  Central Hotel & Spa Danang is located approx. 220 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Central Hotel & Spa Danang is located at 21-23 Hoang Dieu street, in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 28 - 42 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Satya Da Nang Hotel

  Satya Da Nang Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Satya Da Nang Hotel is located at 155 Tran Phu St, Hai Chau Dist in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 43 - 65 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Dong Duong Hotel and Suites

  Dong Duong Hotel and Suites is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Dong Duong Hotel and Suites is located at 62 Thai Phien Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City, Vietnam in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Cherie Hotel Danang

  Cherie Hotel Danang is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Cherie Hotel Danang is located at 155 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 43 - 65 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Satya Hotel

  Satya Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Satya Hotel is located at 155 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Bamboo Green Hotel

  Bamboo Green Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Bamboo Green Hotel is located at No 177 Tran Phu St., Hai Chau Dist. in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 18 - 28 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Minh Anh Hotel

  Minh Anh Hotel is located approx. 230 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Minh Anh Hotel is located at 17 Pham Phu Thu, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...


  EVELYN HOTEL DANANG is located approx. 240 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The EVELYN HOTEL DANANG is located at 38 Hùng Vương in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Bamboo Green Hotel Danang

  Bamboo Green Hotel Danang is located approx. 240 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Bamboo Green Hotel Danang is located at 177 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District. in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Liberty Hotel Da Nang

  Liberty Hotel Da Nang is located approx. 240 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Liberty Hotel Da Nang is located at 26 Phạm Phú Thứ in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Nhat Ha II Hotel Da Nang

  Nhat Ha II Hotel Da Nang is located approx. 240 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Nhat Ha II Hotel Da Nang is located at 196 Nguyen Chi Thanh in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 12 - 18 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Nhat Linh Hotel & Apartment

  Nhat Linh Hotel & Apartment is located approx. 240 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Nhat Linh Hotel & Apartment is located at 194 Nguyễn Chí Thanh in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 19 - 29 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Hanh Nguyen Gems Hotel and Spa

  Hanh Nguyen Gems Hotel and Spa is located approx. 250 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Hanh Nguyen Gems Hotel and Spa is located at 15 Phạm Phú Thứ in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Centre Hotel

  Centre Hotel is located approx. 250 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Centre Hotel is located at 18-20 Pham Phu Thu in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 32 - 48 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Louis Hotel

  Louis Hotel is located approx. 250 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Louis Hotel is located at 121 Hung Vuong in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 19 - 29 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Bright Hotel

  Bright Hotel is located approx. 260 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Bright Hotel is located at 196 Nguyen Chi Thanh in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Thu Do Hotel

  Thu Do Hotel is located approx. 260 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Thu Do Hotel is located at 125 - 127 Hung Vuong in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Ocean Flower Hotel Da Nang

  Ocean Flower Hotel Da Nang is located approx. 260 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Ocean Flower Hotel Da Nang is located at 94 Tran Phu St., Danang City, Viet Nam in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 14 - 22 dollars / night. Read more and book...

The Vietnam Hostel

  The Vietnam Hostel is located approx. 260 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The The Vietnam Hostel is located at 22-24-26 Hung Vuong Street, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Chou House

  Chou House is located approx. 260 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Chou House is located at 20b Pham Phu Thu, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Gopatel Hotel and Spa

  Gopatel Hotel and Spa is located approx. 270 yards from Da Nang downtown area. The Gopatel Hotel and Spa is located at 202 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street, Hai Chau District in Da Nang, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 39 - 59 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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