
Compare prices and book hotels in Ninh Hòa

The cheapest hotels in Ninh Hòa and the Ninh Hòa area. Here you will find a compilation of cheap hotels in Ninh Hòa online. We compare hotel prices from all major hotel chains in Ninh Hòa. When you want to stay and book cheap hotels in Ninh Hòa, you've found the right place! Our goal is to collect all cheap Ninh Hòa hotels on the Internet.

Popular hotels near Ninh Hòa

Villa Tra suburb Nha Trang city

  Villa Tra suburb Nha Trang city is located approx. 590 yards from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Villa Tra suburb Nha Trang city is located at Dai Cat, Ninh Phung in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

OYO 995 Tan Thanh Dat Hotel

  OYO 995 Tan Thanh Dat Hotel is located approx. 1210 yards from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The OYO 995 Tan Thanh Dat Hotel is located at Thon Thach Thanh, xa Ninh Quang Tx Ninh Hoa, tinh Khanh Hoa in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

TTC Resort Doc Let

  TTC Resort Doc Let is located approx. 5 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The TTC Resort Doc Let is located at Dong Cat Village, Ninh Hai Ward, Ninh Hoa Town in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 24 - 36 dollars / night. Read more and book...

AHA D Hotel Nha Trang

  AHA D Hotel Nha Trang is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The AHA D Hotel Nha Trang is located at 41 Nguyen Phi Khanh in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Amelie Apartment

  Amelie Apartment is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Amelie Apartment is located at 42 Ly Thai To, Vinh Hoa in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Hương sen 2

  Hương sen 2 is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Hương sen 2 is located at 52 Đội Cấn, Vĩnh Hải in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

TuBong Hotel Private Enterprise

  TuBong Hotel Private Enterprise is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The TuBong Hotel Private Enterprise is located at Lo So 13-14 O 33, Duong De Phuong Vinh Hoa, Nha-Trang in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

HANZ Hotel Ruby Nha Trang

  HANZ Hotel Ruby Nha Trang is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The HANZ Hotel Ruby Nha Trang is located at 23 Dien Bien Phu, Vinh Hai, Nha Trang in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Ruby Nha Trang Hotel

  Ruby Nha Trang Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Ruby Nha Trang Hotel is located at 23 - 24 Điện Biên Phủ in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Tem House Nha Trang

  Tem House Nha Trang is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Tem House Nha Trang is located at 2 Thoại Ngọc Hầu in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Peaceful Hotel

  Peaceful Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Peaceful Hotel is located at Lo 11 khu B Bac Vinh Hai in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Seabreeze Villa Nha Trang

  Seabreeze Villa Nha Trang is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Seabreeze Villa Nha Trang is located at Pham Van Dong, Ba Lang, Vinh Hoa in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

OYO 808 Hoang Lan

  OYO 808 Hoang Lan is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The OYO 808 Hoang Lan is located at 300 duong 2 thang 4, phuong Vinh Hai, thanh pho Nha Trang, tinh Khanh Hoa in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Khanh Nguyen Hotel

  Khanh Nguyen Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Khanh Nguyen Hotel is located at 31 Mai Xuan Thuong street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Hotel Nhu Yen

  Hotel Nhu Yen is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Hotel Nhu Yen is located at Pham Van Dong, Vinh Hoa Ward in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Iridescent Clouds Hotel

  Iridescent Clouds Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Iridescent Clouds Hotel is located at 66-67 Pham Van Dong Street, Vinh Hoa Ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa Province in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 26 - 40 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Joy Trip Nha Trang Hotel

  Joy Trip Nha Trang Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Joy Trip Nha Trang Hotel is located at 60 - 61 Pham Van Dong Street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Joy Trip Hotel

  Joy Trip Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Joy Trip Hotel is located at 60-61 Pham Van Dong in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Holi Eighteen's House

  Holi Eighteen's House is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Holi Eighteen's House is located at 18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Vinh Tho Ward in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 11 - 17 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Denim Hotel

  Denim Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Denim Hotel is located at 63 Dương Hiến Quyền in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

De'Lynn Boutique Hotel

  De'Lynn Boutique Hotel is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The De'Lynn Boutique Hotel is located at 51 Duong Hien Quyen in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Boton Blue Hotel & Spa

  Boton Blue Hotel & Spa is located approx. 9 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Boton Blue Hotel & Spa is located at Pham Van Dong Street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 75 - 113 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Royal Beach Boton Blue Hotel & Spa

  Royal Beach Boton Blue Hotel & Spa is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Royal Beach Boton Blue Hotel & Spa is located at Pham Van Dong Street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Beautiful Sea View Apartment

  Beautiful Sea View Apartment is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Beautiful Sea View Apartment is located at 3 Pham Van Dong in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

King Town Grand Hotel & Wedding Center

  King Town Grand Hotel & Wedding Center is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The King Town Grand Hotel & Wedding Center is located at Lot 5 - 6 Pham Van Dong Street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 53 - 79 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Canary Nha Trang Hotel

  Canary Nha Trang Hotel is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Canary Nha Trang Hotel is located at 19 Mai Xuan Thuong in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 27 - 41 dollars / night. Read more and book...

Luxury Scenia Bay Apartment with Seaview

  Luxury Scenia Bay Apartment with Seaview is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Luxury Scenia Bay Apartment with Seaview is located at 25-26 Pham van dong in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Wonderland 24H Apartment

  Wonderland 24H Apartment is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Wonderland 24H Apartment is located at 3-5 Pham Van Dong street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Garnet Hotel

  Garnet Hotel is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Garnet Hotel is located at 104 Nguyen Khanh Toan street, Vinh Hai Ward in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Read more and book...

Nha Trang Wonderland Hotel

  Nha Trang Wonderland Hotel is located approx. 10 miles from Ninh Hòa downtown area. The Nha Trang Wonderland Hotel is located at Slot 10-11, Pham Van Dong Street in Ninh Hòa, Vietnam. Cheapest prices from about 22 - 32 dollars / night. Read more and book...

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